children doctors homicide politics study suicide

Study: Sharp Rise in Suicides by Gun Among American Children Is Found

Sharp Rise in Suicides by Gun Among American Children Is Found

I read this while I was at work.  I’ve only one question:  Why can’t doctors just do what they’re paid to do?  They’re not paid to give risk assessment on gun control.  Not really.  Doctors are paid to heal.  Nothing else.  Now, I’ll give a bit.  They should advise on preventative steps when it comes to health (preventing sickness).  They should NOT advise on a lifestyle.

My daughter might practice unsafe sex but I don’t hear doctors trying to tell parents how to raise their kids.  I don’t see them being so rancorous about teens and vaping — there are virtually NO studies on this, which is very sad since teens are thinking that this is safer since there’s next to no carcinogens (I highly doubt this).  I can think of many things doctors should be more worried about than gun control.  In fact, in this article (and the articles linked below), it stated that there’s one thing that kills more kids than guns…its motor vehicles.  Now, why aren’t they focusing on THAT??  They’ve a listing of what they deem harmful to kids, but they don’t focus on the #1 item on that list.  They don’t focus on the #3 item on that list.  They focus on #2.  Why?  Because of the same reason why they may ask you if you’ve a gun in the house (they tend to do that, as well)…they’re wanting to generate statistics that will try to sway gun advocacy or alter it to where they feel they’ve some control.  This has nothing to do with doctoring and everything to do with Liberalism.

I lock up my guns when they’re not being carried, but I also educate my kids to NOT touch the guns.  I share with them news articles about kids being hurt and killed because the kids handle guns when their parents aren’t around.  I teach them that firearms are not toys.  Not everyone does this, sadly.  And I religiously check my guns before I handle them.  I always assume they’re loaded but I always safety check the guns if I’m going to break them down or do dry fires.  Not everyone does this, sadly.

Now, I will never not have one in the chamber while I’m carrying or if I have a particular gun ready for home protection.  There are quick safes that can read your fingerprints quickly to gain access to the firearm inside the safe.  Never lock a gun up if you think you’re going to need it.  People don’t lock up fire extinguishers or fire escapes…they shouldn’t do it for firearms either, unless there are young and/or unteachable children around (yes, some children may be so young as to not understand that they shouldn’t touch a gun; yes some children may have mental disabilities that will hinder learning such things as not touching firearms).  If children exist in your family, there are safeguards…determine what’s best for you and yours.  Don’t let liberal doctors try to decide how to live your life, unless you’re one of the folks who has lost a loved one because you didn’t take proactive steps to keep the firearm away from children.

For decades, gunshot wounds have ranked second behind car crashes as the leading cause of death from injuries for U.S. children. But while car travel has become safer, gun fatalities have remained high in that age group, pediatric experts say.

Here’s one that that had me fuming:

Children are rarely hurt or killed by guns in other developed countries, the researchers pointed out.

The thing is, not many other developed countries have similar rights to us regarding firearms.  Almost all of the other developed countries have heavy restrictions of firearms ownership…firearms rights are almost non-existent in those countries.  Of course their statistics aren’t going to be the same.  You can’t judge two countries by such stats if you’re not taking into account their laws.

Teach your kids, folks, otherwise you’re just giving gun grabbers another reason to negate 2A.

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