100-gr 2.0 9mm Alien Gear Canik Cloak Tuck frangible Hevi Shot holster N8 Tactical subcompact TP9 Elite

More Testing – holsters for the TP9 Elite Subcompact

So, I received the holster shell for the Canik TP9 Elite SC on Saturday.  

I installed it on my Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 2.0 holster base, although I hat to mess around with the mounting screws and bushings to customize the fit.  As well, I used blue thread locker on the screws.  I’ve been carrying the handgun in this holster half the day.  It carries well with this holster.  It doesn’t protect from the grip texture, though, but I installed rubber Talon Grip tape on the grips on Saturday, as well, so the texture doesn’t beat up my skin.

I’ve yet to give the N8 Tactical holster a try.  Maybe soon.

Also, I want to give the holster that came with the handgun another try, soon, too.

I found that I’ve another box of Hevi Shot 100-gr frangible 9mm ammo.  I shot most of a box (of 50) from the TP9 SC.  I think I may attempt to use this ammo as SD/HD ammo.  It shoots flat and doesn’t jam the handgun.


I’ve been giving the Alien Gear holster a try, carrying it around the house.  It carries well but the included Canik holster works surprisingly well.  I still do not know which I’ll use.  I suppose I can use all three over a long time span and report on my findings.  So, with that being said, I’ll be carrying with the Alien Gear first!

Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 2.0 with TP9 Elite SC shell
TP9 Elite SC in the included holster provided by Canik
TP9 Elite SC in the N8 Tactical OT2 holster
Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 2.0 with TP9 Elite, IWB

Alien Gear Canik N8 Tactical subcompact TP9 Elite XD45 XD9

Canik TP9 Elite SC – Several items on the way

I revisited the range a few weeks ago with the Canik TP9 Elite SC again, using different ammo.  I used some light for caliber ammo (90-grain 9mm), as well as some 124- and 147-grain, hoping that one of those would lessen the recoil.

While I love the handgun, it is snappy as hell.  Keep in mind, I’ve been carrying a Springfield Armory XD45 Mod 2 subcompact the past 2 years, so when I say the TP9 SC is snappy, I’m not joking. And, prior to carrying that handgun, I was carrying the XD9 Mod 2 subcompact, which I also shoot well.

I’m not sure why I can shoot the XD45 without worrying about snap while I can shoot the XD9 and XD45 without issue.  It could be that the XDs have great grip texturing while the TP9 SC’s grip texturing isn’t quite as robust.

I’m going to attempt to carry the TP9 SC.  I’ve ordered some rubber Talon Grips for it.  I’ve also swapped out the backstrap for the large one.  I’m hoping that the backstrap alone will help me get a better purchase on the grip so that I can better control the muzzle flip.  The Talon Grips will certainly help with that, too.  I’m not sure when the Talon Grips will be delivered but hopefully I’ll have them within the next 7 days.  While I’m waiting for them to arrive, I’ll visit the range and work on grip control with this handgun.

I also ordered a N8 Tactical OT2 IWB holster.  I didn’t purchase a kydex holster, as I wanted a holster that would protect me from the grip’s texturing…it was rubbing me raw when I was test-carrying the handgun around the house.  I can also order an Alien Gear shell for the TP9 SC (I’ve several Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 2.0 holsters), but I’ll do that if I find I don’t like the N8 Tactical holster.

Update (12/27/2021): I’ve been using the N8 Tactical holster as my primary holster, mainly because it keeps the grip texture from my skin.  I sometimes use the OEM holster and sometimes use the Alien Gear hybrid holster, as well, but the go-to holster is the N8 Tactical holster.