I’ve decided to give my Glock 19 (Gen 4) a chance at concealed carry.
I can start carrying it immediately but actually want to get a few things first. Firstly, I already have a holster (an Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 3.0) and have the Glock 19 shell for it, but I ordered a N82 Tactical Professional IWB holster specifically for the Glock 19. I’ve this same holster for my PX4 Storm and it is exceptional. It will take awhile for me to receive it, though, since they are made to order. I also ordered new sights. What did I order? A set of XS Big Dot sights. They should arrive tomorrow. I can shoot well enough with the OEM U-sight system, but wanted something that would help me quickly focus on the front sight. Since my eyesight is getting worse, I need an edge and I think the Big Dot system would give me that edge. I bought three (3) ETS mags 15-round mags, as well, since my particular Glock came with three (OEM) 10-round mags. I need to try to sell the 10-rounders…I want more than 10 rounds in the firearm when carrying. There is one thing I need to get over when carrying the Glock. I’m not used to carrying a firearm that’s striker-fired. This firearm has no safeties (other than the internal and trigger safeties). At least when I carried the XD Mod.2, I could rely upon the grip safety. I’m well aware of the fact that I should “keep my booger hook off the trigger”…remember, I’ve been carrying awhile now, but firearms can and do go off without fingers touching the trigger, mainly during reholstering.
Also, I’ve been carrying small handguns the last few years. The grip on the G19 is bigger than what I’m used to. Hopefully, I can get used to that. I’ve been carrying in the house without a magazine the last two days just to get used to the grip (and so I can get used to carrying a striker-fired handgun). The Grip isn’t all that much bigger than the GP P11’s grip, so I don’t know why I’m having a difficult time with the G19’s grip.
All of these changes are due to me not being able to find viable sight options for the Thunder. That’s a damned shame…that’s the ONLY thing I don’t like about the Bersa, but I NEED to be able to see the front sight.
UPDATE 1: The sights arrived. They are now on the gun. Some comments:
- With this set, only the front sight has tritium. The rear does not. That surprised me and now I know why the sights were so cheap. I may later pony up for the rear tritium sight (I believe I can purchase it by itself). I’m not returning them…they’re on the gun and it would be a hassle to remove and return them…as well, the OEM sights that I removed got scarred up and can’t be re-used (I suppose they could but screw that). I think I need to find some soft-tipped punches.
- The front dot’s tritium isn’t as bright as I thought it would be, but maybe I’m being a bit TOO critical. I mean, I can see them easily when I’m in a dark room. We’ll see how long they last.