So, I’ve been not only looking at SAM7UF reviews online, but doing things such as swapping mags between my AK-63DS and SAM7UF.
I’ve 6 Tapco mags that came with the AK-63DS. The Arsenal came with one Magpul (Gen 1, I think). The SAM7UF will not take the Tapcos. The AK-63DS will take the Magpul without issue.
Most people talk crap about the Tapcos, mainly because of issues like this, but this really isn’t an issue with Tapcos. It’s an issue with the Arsenal. Why is the mag well that tight? My ratty-assed AK-63DS will take both without issue, so it’s NOT the mags, and in the AK-63DS’s case, it isn’t the gun.
If I want to take the Arsenal to the range, I’ll only have that one mag, unless I go to Cabelas and pick up a few Magpul mags. I solved the problem by ordering 3 metal Polish mags from Atlantic Firearms and 4 metal Croatian mags from Apex Gun Parts (both groups being 30-round mags).
I also added 550 cord to both arms of the spars of the collapsible stock.

Eventually, I’ll also find some bakelites, but they’re really scarce. In fact, it was moderately difficult to find even European metal mags.
The plan is to continue to take my AK-63DS to the range and practice with it. I’ll use my experience with that particular gun as an AK-47 baseline of knowledge.
I also have to order more ammo, but I’ve enough for a decent start.