As an update to the prior post, I received the 4 x Croatian 30-round steel mags from Apex Gun Parts today.
They all fit in my Arsenal SAM7UF. None fit in my AKM-63. Well, they fit but they won’t latch. The tab that enables latching oddly ramped so that the mag release won’t engage the mag. I can file them a bit to enable them to fit or just use them exclusively in the SAM7UF. I will probably fit them for both AKs.
The mags look clean. They are new. They’ve re-enforcement around the mag well area, which appears out of place. Maybe re-enforcement is a bad word. Let me rephrase: it appears that they added material to mitigate a prior issue with fitment. As long as it works. Now, they need to adjust that tab a bit to offer better fitment across the AK platform. Note, that I firmly believe that mags can be loosely fit, as long as the looseness doesn’t drop the mag and doesn’t cause feed issues. They are snug in the SAM7. I can’t tell if they’d be snug in the AKM since they don’t stay in place.
Otherwise, they look awesome. They don’t feel as durable as the batch I got from Atlantic Firearms (they feel lighter, but I don’t think they’ll break at first drop), but I don’t need them to be bullet-proof.