active shooter anti-gun liberal mass shooter mass shooting

Never Let a Good Opportunity Go To Waste…

Never let a good opportunity go to waste, even if you’ve to be untruthful and misleading.

Snippets of the article:

The CNN story states that the Supreme Court Justices who dissented in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, INC. vs Bruen, cited data from the Gun Violence Archive, or GVA, which falsely claimed there have been 277 mass shootings since the beginning of 2022…an average of one mass shooting per day.

It is not until later in the story — much later — that CNN mentions the misleading definition the GVA uses to define a mass shooting, which the Second Amendment Foundation first exposed.

“When most Americans hear the term ‘mass shooting,’ they picture a crazed gunman stalking the halls of a school or a shopping mall, coldly and randomly executing innocent young victims,” CNN wrote, quoting from the Second Amendment Foundation’s July 2021 story. “What does not come to mind are rival drug crews shooting it out in Chicago or Detroit, or a madman murdering his entire family.”

Not included in the CNN story was a full explanation of the vast differences between the GVA’s definition of a mass shooting and how the FBI categorizes the crime, or the massive discrepancies the two definitions produce.

This type of deception is becoming an art form for the Liberal media organizations.

Read the full article at CNN Tries to Prop Up Their Debunked Source for Misleading Mass Shooting Data – The Truth About Guns

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