gun-free gun-safe Reel Clef Studios short film zone

Crowd-funded Short Film’s Take on Gun-free Zones

Entitled “Praesidium” the five-minute short was written and directed by Paul Myzia, a Warrenville, Illinois cinematographer behind Reel Clef Studios. In it, a man with a special watch capable of resetting time itself desperately attempts to travel back and avoid the brutal killing of a woman close to him.

I thought this was a great short video.  It’s a pretty good method of showing how gun-free zones are ridiculous since the criminal doesn’t care for such things.

2A AR-15 Helen Ubinas liberal mass shooting Orlando


Take a look at this:

This lady claims that she bought an AR-15 in 7 minutes:

That’s how long it took me to buy an AR-15, the semiautomatic rifle used in the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history.  Seven minutes. From the moment I handed the salesperson my driver’s license to the moment I passed my background check.

A Facebook friend shared it but he’s not in favor of gun ownership.  He’s basically in awe and I believe he believed this lady’s article.

I believe it’s bullshit, no matter if it’s in Philadelphia (I’m in Virginia).  Here’s why.

I’ve fourteen handguns and one rifle (an AR-15). When I buy my guns locally (online is a whole different process, at least until the gun has been shipped to my local gun store), the whole process can take maybe 20 minutes. The background check paperwork takes maybe 10 minutes and the approval process (where the background check is actually submitted by the FFL/store) usually takes 5 minutes for me. The approval process time frame is different for everyone. While mine usually takes 5 minutes, some people usually have to wait an hour. Others have to wait a few hours.  For some, it may take a day.  For others, it may take days.  For some, it may come back disapproved.  It depends on your background, as well as if you’ve a common name (which will slow down the process). Whether it is a handgun or “assault” rifle, the process is the same (although, for an AR-15, two forms of ID are needed (UPDATE (9/6/2021) – the requirement has changed in VA since this article was posted) — I used a passport and my concealed carry license). A person that gets approved within 5 minutes of submitting their background paperwork is a person that has a clean background. There’s nothing wrong with that. A person that goes through the background check process goes through the same checks as law enforcement officers. I’d ask the author of that article if there’s a set amount of time one should wait before knowing that person is bad. I’m wondering what she was expecting.

I highly doubt it took five minutes, total process time for everything, for this lady to buy an AR-15. It takes more than five minutes to read the paperwork and sign/initial them properly (and there are two forms, a state and a federal form). Most guns stores don’t move that fast (they can’t because they’re also required to do certain things before they submit the paperwork, like add the weapon’s serial number(s) to the paperwork, then check to see that you completed it correctly). Gun stores (or FFLs) are meticulous with their paperwork because they’re liable if they get something wrong and the person turns out to be a nut. They also are routinely audited…any audit failures mean they could lose their FFL credentials (ie, they’re out of business).

Something stinks with this story and we shouldn’t always believe what we read on the internet, no matter our stance on a particular subject.

It’s funny…she didn’t even supply where she bought it.  With even the gun owners that have used their guns for bad purposes, the statistical data available shows that gun owners in American have less issues than the whole of the USA LEO group.

Yes, this Orlando shooter killed people.  So did the guy who shot up the SC church.  So did the San Bernardino couple.  So did the Boston bombers (they used bombs in lieu of guns…we’ll discuss that in a bit).  So did the Sandy Hook shooter, and so did the VA Tech shooter.  So did Vester Flanders, the Roanoke shooter that killed a news crew on camera.  I can go on, but that is a small drop in the ocean of gun owners in the US.

I don’t believe in bans or limitations.  Gun restrictions in the UK, Australia, France, or any other place won’t work here because the difference between the US and those countries is that we have, and have always had, the 2nd Amendment.  That’s an inalienable right to bear arms where the right “shall not be infringed”.  

Remember, our forefathers left England because they were oppressed.  That’s why the Bill of Rights reads the way it does.  They wanted to ensure that we’d have less issues than they experienced.  2A reads clearly…there’s no other way to read it.  There’s also a reason it’s listed as the 2nd…yes, it’s that important in priority, and only the 1st Amendment trumps it.

And I’ll say this again.  I refuse to be group-shamed.  I refuse to take responsibility for the Orlando killings, or any other mass shooting.  I’ll only take responsibility for the things I’ve actually done.  Each individual in the U.S. is responsible for their own actions.  There’s no law that says that one individual has to be responsible for another because of group affiliation.  I’ve never killed anyone and my intention is that I never will, unless it’s in self defense, but that’s a whole different discussion.

The reader is attempting to lump lawful gun owners with these mass killers.  Why do Liberals always do this?  There are people that own guns legally, and there are people that don’t.  There are people that own guns legally that end up killing many people, and there are (many many more) people that don’t.  If she thinks guns are the problem she’s wrong.  Remember when I mentioned that the Boston Marathon bombers used a bomb?  Yes, they didn’t use guns…they used a bomb.  Bombs are illegal.  They used a bomb anyways.  If guns are banned or highly restricted, do you honestly think criminals will stop using them?  NO.  Cocaine has been never been legal…people use that more than they do guns.  Let’s lump all illegal drugs together.  In the last 20 years, drugs have kills far more people than the last 20 years of active shooters.  Hell, on 9/11, the terrorists used PLANES!!  We haven’t banned planes yet.  There was also Prohibition.  That didn’t work well, either.

And once again, Obama refuses to categorize this as Islamic terror plots, even when the Orlando shooter was found to have pledged allegiance to ISIS.  WTF?  Last time, in San Bernardino, they tried to classify it as workplace violence when those two killers pledged allegiance to the same group.  He also focused on the gay angle.  We’re all Americans.  Both of these were terrorist attacks on American soil.  Yes, the Orlando shooting was at a gay club, but it was targeted because those who practice Islam believe that gays are perverted and because the U.S. pushes for gay rights, they believe the U.S. is perverted. This wasn’t just a gay thing, otherwise the shooter wouldn’t have pledged his act to ISIS.  Obama won’t use this angle, but he’s trying to go after guns (again).

This is why people are questioning Obama’s loyalties.

This isn’t Australia.  US citizens will not let the US government take their freedoms.  Every Aussie I’ve spoken with always tells me, “don’t let them do you like they did us”.  In fact, I’ve also had British citizens tell me the same.  This has nothing to do with the Civil War…back then, they were divided because of slavery.  This has to with Liberals altering/limiting/removing an inalienable right. They (Liberals) believe doing this will make the population more pliable…take away the guns, and you don’t have to worry about uprising when the government oversteps their bounds (like they’re currently trying to do).

She also said the following:

No need for a concealed carry permit. No mandatory training, though the guys did give me a coupon for a free day pass for a local gun range. No need for even a moment to at least consider how gross all of this felt as relatives of the dead were still being notified.

Who carries an AR-15 concealed?  Why do you need mandatory training?  I advise it but 2A says NOTHING about there being a training requirement for bearing arms.  Because if they did, the government would dictate the training.  2A is a right, not a privilege.  And no, there’s no need for a moment to consider “how gross all of this felt”…it’s a purchasing decision.  What other purchases do you make where you need a moment to consider.  Maybe take a moment before you step into the store to buy such a thing as an AR-15.


.45 ACP 147-grain 9mm ammo JHP SD SP2022


I bought some ammo today from Walmart.  While this is nothing special in itself, I did get 100 rounds of WWB .380 FMJ since I don’t have much range ammo in that caliber (I’ve a crap load of self defense ammo in .380, though).  They didn’t have much else that I trusted, brand-wise…Tula, which is on Bersa’s Do Not list, and Remington, which I’ve grown to not trust.  So, I grabbed the WWB since I’ve never had issues with that brand.

I also bought 100 rounds of WWB 9mm JHP in 147-grain, since I rarely see that weight of 9mm in Walmart. I’d have bought more than that if I thought my wife wouldn’t complain about it.

I forgot to check what SD ammo they had, especially for 9mm.  I’ve some Remington in JHP but my carry gun does NOT like it.

I also need to check to see if my Metro Arms 1911 will eat JHP, especially since it is a 1911.  I’ve a bunch of .45 ACP but I think it’s almost all Remington, which tends to be dirty and also not be consistent with powder charge.

I’ll take the Metro Arms and the Bersa with me on my next visit so I can get some SD rounds through them.  If the Bersa is trust-worthy, I’ll consider carrying it…I just need an Alien Gear holster shell for it.

I’d been thinking of carrying my SP2022 (I love it’s trigger and decocker), but I still think that gun is a bit large for carry…the mag base plates with the pinky extensions don’t help it, either.

1911 45ACP 9mm extractor FTE FTF HTP light strikes Remington

Metro Arms 1911 Fixed, 1911 Trigger Pull Issue

I went to the range for a quick visit today. I brought two 1911s this time:  my RIA midsized 1911 in 9mm and the Metro Arms AC Commander 45.

The first thing I did was fire 50 rounds from the 1911 that was a solid shooter (the 9mm)…it ate all the ammo without issue, but at first I was shooting very low left with it as well.  See the picture’s captioning.

I started at the left corner, then went to the right corner, then stopped because I wasn’t hitting point of aim (the red).  When I did very slow trigger pulls when aiming at the center target, I hit point of aim.  I’m having issues with the 1911 trigger…it wasn’t the Metro Arms that was the issue.  That was at 7 yards.

I then began to focus on my trigger pull. I still had trouble trying to figure out which part of the finger to use, but I found that if I shot slowly, I was dead-on. I went through most of a box of ammo pretty much hitting point of aim. It’s an issue of me not being used to the trigger mechanics of a 1911.

I also had two light strikes, which was weird…I’ve not had such issues before.  They both fired when I reloaded them into the mags.

Ammo was Remington UMC 115-grain FMJ.

I then went to my trouble-maker 1911. I had no issues aiming after my 50-round session with the 9mm 1911, although my hands were sweaty and I ended up using gloves.

This is MUCH better than my last range visit, when I was hitting very low left and not being even close to center target.

I also shot 49 rounds of Geco 230-grain FMJ without ANY feed/extract issues. There was 50 in the box…yeah, I had one issue where the round didn’t extract (this is a first…this gun has an exclusive history of not feeding properly). But one in 50 is NOT bad, especially when I was having feed issues several times (ie, 2-3) with each magazine. I think the extractor needs to be replaced, but the tuning I did on it helped a LOT!

So, I’m glad I sorted these issues out.  I think I’ll put the 1911s away for a while, because they don’t shoot like my other guns and I don’t want my muscle memory getting mucked up.

Oh yeah, I decided to shoot some extra ammo I had sitting around (Remington HTP 147-grain JHP subsonic).  I shot 50 rounds of it through my Grand Power P11.  The P11 did NOT like that ammo at all.  There were lots of failures to return to battery, so much that I was hitting the back of the slide almost as much as I was pulling the trigger.  I thought that HTP wouldn’t be as bad as UMC…I was wrong.  I need to remind myself to not shoot Remington out of the Grand Power.  EVERY time I do, I’m disappointed.

1911 extractor fail to feed feed ramp range visit recoil spring SP2022

Bersa Thunder 380 Plus Listings; Metro Arm 1911 Woes

I’ve had several people reach out to me asking about where to find good-priced Bersa Thunder 380 Plus models.  Here are some:

All of those are listed on Gun Broker.  There were at least 7-10 of them listed, but most were over-priced.  I only listed those that were under MSRP, but I did list the Combat Plus because many people are asking where to find those models and supply is scarce.

Also, a few weeks ago, I ended up taking my Metro Arms 1911 (the American Classic Commander, specifically) and my Sig SP2022 9mm to the local range.

I also ended up putting 50 rounds of American Eagle 124-grain through my current carry gun, the Grand Power P11, just to test to see if it was still having issues returning to battery (it ate all 50 rounds without issue).  I’m currently at 582 total rounds through that gun.

7 yards out, American Eagle 124-grain, Grand Power P11

The SP2022 ate 60 rounds without issue.  That handgun is fantastic and is extremely easy to shoot accurately.  I’m at 279 rounds through the barrel with NO issue whatsoever.

7 yards, Remington UMC 147-grain flat-nosed FMJ, Sig SP2022 9mm

The Metro Arms has been problematic.  I shot 48 rounds through this gun this session and had many failures to feed.  In fact, when I go through my range log, This gun has a history of failing.  It isn’t the mags that are causing the issue (it happens with all three mags and two of them are new and from Wilson Combat).  I actually searched and found that this is more than likely an extractor issue.  I checked and found it was too loose.  I tightened it up and now need to revisit the range to test to see if that helps.  If it doesn’t, I’m going to buy a new recoil spring and extractor.  That should fix the issue.  Another thing of note is that the feed ramp has some major abrasions from the last range visit when I shot Tula through it…it did NOT like Tula and I’d made a note of it (and the feed ramp) in my range log.  I shouldn’t need to polish the ramp with so little ammo through the gun, especially since the ramp had a mirror finish when I received the gun.  The gun only has 188 rounds through the gun.

7 yards, Winchester White Box 230-gr FMJ, Metro Arms ACC45, one FTE (24 rounds total)

As well, the point of impact is not hitting where I’m aiming (I’m aiming for the red with the front sight covering the X.  One thing I neglected to check was my trigger finger placement and how I was actuating the trigger.

I may visit the range tonight just to test the 1911.

I still haven’t shot my AR-15 yet, either.  I’m saving that for Father’s Day.  🙂

380 Bersa Grand Power P11 Plus T-100 Thunder Tristar

Range Visit with Bersa and Tristar

Yesterday was my birthday and I decided that I would go to the range after work.

There was a 40-minute waiting list and I almost ended up leaving.  That’s the first time I’ve ever been to Elite Shooting Sports where there was a backlog during the week day.  What’s cool is that they had  tablet kiosks to allow you to add yourself to the wait list and you’d be texted (to your phone) when a slot was available.

The staff was cordial and I know they were really busy, but none of the register attendants acted like they wanted to be there.  When you’re buying merchandise, service, or just space/time, the worst thing is to interact with employees that act like they don’t like what they’re doing.  This is the second time I’ve noticed this…was hoping it wouldn’t turn into a trend.


I decided to shoot the Bersa Thunder 380 Plus first, since it was something different for me (blow-back design and .380 caliber).  Man, is that thing accurate!  Recoil is next to nothing, too.  I dumped 3 rounds into each target, 7 yards away, semi-rapid fire, from upper right to upper left, lower right to lower left, then center.  The first shot was dead on the red (as well as being a DA shot), but the following two flew a bit upward.  Then next target was a bit wide, but I still touched the red at least once.  The rest of the groups tightened up significantly as I navigated the targets.

I shot a total of thirty-four rounds before I put the Bersa away.  Since I only had one magazine, I stopped shooting it.  I’ve ordered 3 new OEM magazines from (was marked down at $27 each but has since been up-priced at $49)

I then focused on the Tristar T-100 9mm for the rest of the range session.  One thing I neglected to do was manually decock the gun for a DA shot.  I’ve a feeling I wouldn’t have hit red in DA like I did with the Thunder, as the DA trigger is long and strong (much longer and stronger than what I’m used to).  But I did a mag dump in the center target as a first date:

I started off fine but as I sped up my follow-on shots, my group began to lose composure.  That’s not the gun’s fault…it’s mine.  I was treating it like the Bersa since the Bersa was the gun I was shooting prior to picking up the T-100.  Recoil was significantly more than the Bersa, but I was all over the target center before I upped the pace.  This gun is just as easy to shoot as the Bersa, because of it’s low bore axis and it’s non-traditional rail setup (it’s using the CZ design).

I then tried to focus on small groups (using the same target):

The groups are very tight, especially upper left.  The lower right had a flyer, but the two that landed were almost on top of each other and near center-mass.

For the T-100, I used the same Remington 147-grain flat-nosed FMJ that choked my Grand Power P11.  It ate 150 of that make/model without one failure.  One round had a slightly crinkled lip but I wanted to see if the round would still chamber and fire without issue…it did.  I expected nothing less, as I know that CZs aren’t designed to be as tight as GP’s products.  The gun frame was warm to the touch when I was done with it (it’s a metal-framed gun), but not uncomfortably so.  For the Bersa, I used Federal 95-grain FMJ, and there were no failures.

I also fired some spare ammo from my GP P11 (8 rounds of Winchester Personal Protection JHP that had been chambered several times…they needed to be used or disposed of, so I used them).  There were no issues whatsoever.  I neglected to bring non-Remington 9mm so I couldn’t fire the P11 any more than that.  Plus, I only had the lane for an hour and I was out of time after firing 8 rounds from the P11.  I need more range time with the P11 since it is my carry gun.  Of those 8 rounds, only half hit the target.  I found I was slapping the trigger, but as soon as I figured that out, the rest were all in the red.  The P11 doesn’t seem to be as forgiving with heavy-handedness, and it’s SA trigger is very light.  I’d have done better if I’d have had more time to adjust to the switch-up of handguns.

I had fun with the two new guns, especially the Tristar.  I’ll probably shoot it again the next range visit.

animated animation gif hammer-fired handgun howto semi-automatic

How A Hammer-fired Semi-Automatic Handgun Works

Although the depicted handgun is a 1911 .45ACP, the animation applies to all hammer-fired semi-automatic handguns and somewhat to striker-fired guns.  It is very interesting and worthy of sharing with my kids, as they’ve always wondered about the inner workings (the mechanics) of such things.

Here’s a taste of one of the animations.

380 Bersa Nickel Plus Thunder

Found My Bersa!

I’ve found my Bersa, although it wasn’t in matte black like I originally wanted.

I bought a Bersa Thunder 380 Plus in Nickel Satin from Hinterland Outfitters for $361 (now $391).

Immediate pre-firing impressions:

  • There are lots of tooling marks, scrapes and nicks, even as a new product.
  • It has a stiff safety/decocker, but it might wear in (I put oil on the safety lever and it’s not so stiff anymore).
  • The safety/decocker is in an awkward place.  My hands aren’t large but they aren’t the smallest in the world, either, so I’m thinking this isn’t just an issue with my hands…it’s a safety/decocker placement issue.  
  • The rubber grips work great…shouldn’t need to be replaced, even though Plus model grip options are scarce.
  • Take-down is relatively easy, but re-installing the slide is a bit difficult.
  • The handgun is slim but wide at the grip.
  • The rear sights don’t appear to be durable…looks like it won’t take too many slide racks when using a hard substance.

About the second bullet (Safety/decocker is in an awkward place), here are some additional notes:  There’s no way in hell I’m going to be able to use the safety with my strong hand, not even with lots of training, as it’s just flat-out in the wrong position for my hands.  When I read Bersa Chat posts on the issue, there are lots of people that have the same experience.  It’s good that this is a DA/SA gun, otherwise that safety would be an even more serious detriment.

Range time will come shortly.  Also, expect a quick video…I’ll post the link to the video when it’s ready.

UPDATE:  The after-range report is here.

5.56mm ammo AR-556 FDE magazine Magpul RDS red dot Ruger

The Ruger Has Arrived!

Ruger AR-556 in FDE

420 rounds of 5.56 x 45

I picked up the Ruger today on my lunch break.

My immediate impressions:  I’m actually surprised at the fit and finish of the Ruger AR-556.  It looks and feels great.  The pieces fit together without issue, with no large gaps between pieces or segments.  Looks GOOD in FDE, too!  That grip feels great – it has a rubber coating…very tactile.  The trigger is good.  The take-down pins are way too stiff (should loosen up with oil and use, hopefully).  They got rid of the D-ring, too…you twist to get the barrel covers off.  Oh, and there’s like 10 Ruger badges and logos on the rifle…like you’re going to forget that you own a Ruger.

Needed three forms of ID just to pick it up (not two as with handguns in VA).  Still, it only took 5 min to get the background check results back.  I have no background…LOL.

For now, 3 mags are enough (at 30 rounds capacity, each, that’s 90 rounds right there).  I also have a Bushnell First Strike Red Dot Sight, but I plan to use the non-aid sights for a bit, while getting used to the rifle.

I’ll post more as I become more accustomed to the firearm.

AR-15 AR-556 long gun M&P rifle Ruger S&W Sport II

Ruger AR-556 Inbound!

I’ve my first long gun on the way, a Ruger AR-556 cerakoted in FDE and with a Davidson’s lifetime warranty.  It was this or the S&W M&P 15 Sport II, but I’ve heard that this one is the more refined of the two.

I also have a rail riser and a cheap RDS (red dot sight) inbound, not that either are needed, as the rifle comes with front and rear sights already.

Time to find a rifle safe now, and stock up on 5.56/.223 ammo.