I sold a wheel/tire combo that belonged to my previous vehicle so I had some money to blow.
I was eyeing a PSA AK47 GB3 MOEkov in FDE but kept wondering about what issues it would have when I took ownership, so I was hesitant.
I know the mantra. “Get a WASR”. Nope. That wasn’t going to happen either, as WASRs have some of the same issues that purists bitch about when talking about PSA AKs (only WASR folk let WASR issues pass and whine about other makes/models with similar issues).
I thought of getting a Century Arms imported underfolder (AK63DS)…they’re difficult to find.
I actually visited several different local gun stores to see what they had in stock.
Cabelas had none, not even used.
Another small store had the ones that should not be bought (C39v2 and RAS47). They also had an Arsenal but it was $1300. I passed.
I went to another small store and they had an old, used WASR…it looked like someone drug it behind their car for several thousand miles. They had a RAS47 pistol. That thing looked NICE! I was able to handle it. It’s the first time I got a close look at one and it had heft and the workmanship was very nice, but it was a RAS…they can explode on you. The store also had an Arsenal underfolder, the SAM7UF. I took a long look at it and asked to handle it. It had little wear and was pretty much immaculate (similar to the RAS). It had a milled receiver. It had good alignment and the tang on the bolt carrier was not touched (it appeared the rifle wasn’t fired by the previous owner). That was this past Friday. Today (Monday), I went back and asked to take another look at it. The price was $1000. I ended up buying it. Me. An Arsenal.
Why did I buy this when I was looking at lower priced variants? Because the price was $200 less than what it is new, for one. Secondly, the thing had not been used…it was extremely clean. It was local and I wouldn’t have to pay FFL fees and shipping and all that other mess. I could have it same day. If I end up not liking it, I can recoup what I spent on it, since it’s an Arsenal. Underfolders are also badass and combined with Arsenal, I’ve a very nice new firearm! It’s probably one of the most valuable in my collection thus far (I’ve spent a tad more on a handgun but that handgun will not resell at the same price I bought it…the Arsenal will).
So, I’ve another range visit and review in my future!