concealed concealed carry license

Don’t Forget To Renew Your CHP!

No, I haven’t forgotten to renew my concealed handgun permit. I see folks all the time on Reddit saying they’ve inadvertently let their permit lapse.

Here’s what I do to ensure I don’t forget:

I ensure that I’ve my cards in hand, and I then use Google, searching for “90 days before (put expiration date here)”.

I’ve created a calender reminder on my phone for the date that Google generated. I was granted two licenses. I’ve two calender reminders that will remind me 90 days before the licenses expire.

This works for me. I renewed both license during the Covid pandemic, and both were submitted using online forms.

I’d rather do this than be carrying concealed with an expired permit.

1911 AIWB appendix concealed carry holster

Crossbreed Holster – The “Upgrade” Clips are Polymer!

So, I ordered the 5-hole belt clips for the Crossbreed holster I recently bought.

The package arrived yesterday. When I opened it, I was disappointed. They’re plastic. The original clips are metal.

On the left is the original clip (metal); on the right is the 5-hole clip cost extra ($10) – it is plastic.

Crossbreed is all over the place with this holster.

I’d complained in an earlier post that they should include some type of wedge system. Yeah, it’s a hybrid holster, but it needs something to help with grip tuck (something more than just the claw).

I now believe that the claw that they have should stick out more, as well.

I also believe they should include 5-hole clips with every holster – why nickel and dime folks to death with pricing of parts that are actually needed to dial in the holster? An appendix holster that has no adjustability of ride height or cant is a bad holster, in my opinion.

And on top of all the above, and I posted about this a few days ago, the shell for the Commander-sized 1911 is not deep enough; they have 4″ 1911s listed as an option, but that’s a non-standard size as far as Commanders go. The standard sizes for 1911s are 5″, 4.25″, and 3.5″, not 4″ and 3″. I had to cut the muzzle portion from the shell just to get the gun’s trigger inside the shell.

I pretty confident that I’m not going to continue using this holster. I just waiting for the chance to get a Tenicor, then this one will be sold or go into my box of unused junk holsters.

1911 AIWB appendix concealed carry gun belt holster

I Added A Wedge to My Crossbreed Hybrid Holster

I was able to rig up a wedge to the Crossbreed The Reckoning holster.

I used heel gels (ala Dr. Scholls) and velcro.

I carried using the holster most of the day. It’s a HUGE improvement! The pelvic hot spot is no longer a hot spot.

At first I thought I needed more wedge, but I’ll play around with the holster height – I can affort to raise it a bit so that the muzzle is not right above my junk (remember though, this is a Commander-sized 1911 I’m trying to appendix-carry).

Once I get the 5-hole clips, I’ll have better cant and height adjustment.

Every day, I feel that I’m getting this thing dialed in a bit better. The thing is, this holster isn’t exactly cheap. I shouldn’t have to be tweaking things like this. IMO, ALL AIWB holsters need to include a wedge (possibly adjustable). Yeah, I realize that each body is different, but if I’m going to spend $100+ for a holster, it needs to be better configurable. Another thing: Crossbreed should be including 5-hole clips with these, as the holsters are marketed as AIWB-capable. They already included the claw – why the claw and not also a wedge and 5-hole clips??

Pics of the holster (on and off the body):

This will give approximately 1/4″ of leverage and pushes the grip into the stomach, helping with less printing of the grip. And yeah, the leather is already wearing (and this photo is zoomed-in).
Secured with velcro. Velcro is stuck to clear packing tape (sticks better this way than directly to the leather).
This protruds out a bit, purposely – I wanted a good buffer since this area is a strong pressure point.
How it looks now.
This is pre-wedge install.
This right here is what counts! This is MUCH better than the above picture – less printing!
concealed carry license non-resident renewal Utah

I Renewed (first time) My Utah Non-Resident Conceal Carrry License

I renewed my Utah non-resident concealed carry license during 2020 Christmas break, sometime between Christmas day and New Year’s day.

This is the first time I’ve renewed that license.  It is super-easy.  I went to a web link that they provided, took a picture of myself (passport quality), then submitted the web form and picture.

Less than 10 days later, I received the new card in the mail.  I was actually surprised at the quickness of the whole process.  Submitting it was easy, as well.  I almost let it lapse because I thought I’d have to submit fingerprints and be forced to create a paper trail.  

The most difficult part was getting the training and initial card.  While I didn’t explain the whole process of obtaining the credentials (I should’ve), I did create a blog entry back in December of 2015.

concealed carry handgun self defense

9 Things You Should Never Do While Carrying Concealed

Armed self-defense can be a lifesaver- except when silly mistakes get in the way of responsible carry.

Some people might think that just carrying a concealed handgun is enough to protect themselves and the community. And that’s partly true- it’s a step in the right direction. But there are some things that should just never be done. Here are 9 of them.

 This is a good read.

2A carry concealed carry firearms training

Some 2A Food For Thought

I posted the following yesterday to my friends and family on Facebook:

Yes, folks, I carry. I’m carrying 70% of the time I’m not showering, not sleeping, or not on the work campus. Do I care that others don’t know that I carry? No…that’s not what the 2nd Amendment is about. The 2A doesn’t say that I’ve the right to bear arms as long as other people know I’m carrying and that they’re comfortable with it. Why do I carry? Because I choose to. Basically, I’ve the constitutional right to carry. There’s nothing conditional about it. I do not have to let other citizens know. Yes, open carry is an option (it’s legal here), but not for me…why would I let potential bad guys know that I’m their first priority?

Those that see me occasionally…I was probably carrying when you last saw me. You probably never knew. You probably felt comfortable then. Will you feel as comfortable the next time we meet, now that you know? I hope so, because I wasn’t a nut then and I’m not a nut now.

Why advertise that I carry? You all already know I own guns…I’ve been posting pictures and articles the last 9 months. I’ve been a gun lover since 1986, when I enlisted. That’s the total of my adult life. You’re also my friends, which is why you’re seeing this now. The assumption is that you already suspected that I carry, so it’s not a big deal for me to keep this a secret amongst a certain group of people. Some people hide such facts. I don’t.

Again, this isn’t a big deal for me. YMMV.

Where’s this coming from? An opinion on 2A from someone that doesn’t exercise the right.

I got the reply, which I agree with:

Now more than ever, it’s an option that every law abiding American should exercise.

Someone then replied to him with the following:

I know enough law abiding Americans who are generally a danger to themselves and others to appreciate that not everyone should have a gun.

What does someone say to that?  Well, the same can be said of anything. Some people have no business driving, for example, yet they’re never noticed until they’ve been in several nasty accidents.  And, when this happens (it happens a LOT with chronic drunks driving home), is there overwhelming support to ban people from having easy access to cars?  Nope.

As with anything, some people either require more training than others or need to not do that particular activity. The slope becomes slippery when additional criteria is added to basic rights…the rights are no longer really rights. The system doesn’t need to be tweaked every time someone gets emotional about an issue that, on the whole, isn’t all that much of a problem.  If someone becomes problematic, deal with that particular person, not the whole group.

In VA, you’re required to pass a basic firearms handling course before you can carry concealed…if people still are considered to be a danger to themselves and others even after meeting the state requirements, then what do you do? Limiting the population as a whole isn’t a good answer, especially if those types of people are outliers.  Until that person accidentally kills himself or someone else, there’s really nothing you can do.  Regulating a whole population because a few are inept is bad, and there’s nothing that can be preemptively done that won’t affect the people that are carrying properly.