CA statutes firearms handguns magazine limits magazines off-roster

CA and Off-Roster Guns

I want to quickly discuss the validity of owning off-roster guns in CA.

Please reference, as it is the frame of reference I’ll be using.  People moving to CA with off-roster only have to ensure they’re compliant with: and (Pen. code, §§ 17000, subd. (a), 27560 pretty much covers it, statute-wise).

Can you own off-roster guns?  Yes.  On-roster guns apply to retail sale only.  Many people bought off-roster guns with the SSE option, which expired Jan 1, 2015.  People also bring off-roster guns into the state when switching states of residency, which is also legal and is stated in the CA penal code.  CA residents can also have immediate family that are not CA residents transfer guns to them (as gifts)…that includes off-roster guns.

Yes, magazines with round counts greater than 10 are illegal.  That does not make the gun itself illegal, though.  If you’re in CA and need, for example, a new mag but the maker only sells 15-round mags, you’d need to find an FFL that is licensed to have 10+ round mags…many such FFLs have the capability to limit 10+ round mags to 10-rounders.  Or, Glock and Springfield Armory sell 10 round versions of their mags…many gun makers do.  As well, CA isn’t the only state to limit magazine round counts.  I bought both my XD 9 Mod.2 and Glock 19 Gen 4 (both off-roster guns) for the express purpose of bringing them to CA while knowing that they’re not available for retail sale within CA’s borders.  I also bought them because they came with 10-round mags out-of-the-box.

Why am I discussing this?  I’ve people commenting on my videos that I’m sharing misinformation.  Those same people won’t back up what they’re saying or even point out the bits of misinformation they say I’m sharing.  Some are not paying attention to what’s being said in the video.  Some are confused about their state’s own laws, especially as it pertains to people moving into CA from another state.  I’ve no problem accepting fault if I’m spreading misinformation, but I’ve found out that in all cases, I’m not wrong.  Before claiming that I’m wrong, be sure I’m wrong by doing your own research…don’t listen to other  people that might be wrong.  Reference the CA statutes then come back to me with the reference that shows that I’m wrong.  I’m pretty sure that’s not going to happen, since the majority of YT commenters are either young or are only going by what they were told (ie, being spoon-fed information from people that don’t know what they’re talking about instead of learning the information from the CA government).

While I’m no firearms guru, I know just enough to keep myself out of trouble.  Trust me when I say that there are people with Glock Gen 4 models (which are ALL off-roster) and XD 9 Mod.2s (which is also off-roster), that are located in CA.  The guns are sold to them with 10-round mags, FROM THE FACTORY.  For example, my XD9 came with 10-round mags…no, the mags weren’t altered at a gun shop.  SA sells 10-round mags and 9mm versions for the Mod.2 are here and here;  Glock 19 factory 10-round mags are listed here, but I wasn’t able to locate ANY mags on Glock’s website.  There’s also this.  The guns are legal…it’s just a matter of how you obtained them.  If you’re currently a CA resident, the only way to get firearms not approved by CA DOJ is via PPT, which means “private party transfer”, meaning, the gun is already owned by a CA resident and is being transferred to another CA resident.  Those handguns were either grandfathered (bought before the current laws) or were bought in by non-residents who decided to move to CA.  Note that there was also an SSE exemption awhile back but SSE is no longer an option, although you may find gun shops in CA that were bought when SSE was an option.  The CA DOJ approval list doesn’t apply to incoming residents…they can bring whatever they have, as long as their guns aren’t assault weapons (there’s a separate criteria for those type of guns) and as long as the magazines have a 10-round maximum capacity.  This isn’t rocket science and I’m surprised I have to explain this to CA residents.  4/5ths of my guns are off-roster…do you honestly think I didn’t research this before spending that much money (in such a short period)??

CA people…read your statutes…don’t just read them, read them while trying to understand the intent of the statutes.  If you’ve questions, ask them on, but most questions have already been answered, so search to find your answers, or, better yet, just learn how to read the CA statutes.  I will not link or post up the statutes for you (although I did post them up in my XD 9 video, within the video description).  If you need to know their location and read them, google it like I did.

committee control firearms gun McAuliffe politics senate Virginia

Gov. McAuliffe’s gun control efforts for Virginia die in Senate committee

None of the proposed gun control measures made any sense, especially the re-enactment of the “only one gun a month” measure…do criminals follow such regulation?  And, what does one gun purchase per month have to do with gun crime?  All it takes is ONE gun to commit a crime…you don’t have to purchase one to use in a crime, either…you can steal or buy one via the black market.  Illegal gun sellers don’t care about gun regulations, otherwise they wouldn’t be selling guns illegally.

There was even a measure for background checks when purchasing guns at gun show — there is already a requirement for background checks when you purchase a gun, no matter where you purchase from.

The measure of revoking of concealed-handgun permits for parents who are behind on child-support payments…WTH does being behind on child support have to do with concealed carry permits??

There was really no logic applied to any of those proposals.

.45 9mm compact firearms handgun magazines P220 safe Sauer Sig SP2022 Stack-On sub-compact


I tend to segment my life experiences into silos.  I do not have a one-size-fits-all blog.  There’s a reason why I do that.  I’ve blogs about Unix, PDAs, Apple products, Subarus, and others.  A reader that cares about Unix might not care about Subarus.  I believe a blog has to have a general theme…how do you mesh all of those blogs into one without looking like a skitzo?  You can’t.

Anyways,  I’ve a new hobby.  Last month, my wife bought me a handgun.  What make?  Sig Sauer.  What model?  A P220, but not just any P220…she got me an Equinox.  That’s a gun created by Sig Sauer’s custom gun shop.  It’s full size and calibered in .45 ACP.

It was supposed to be a surprise Christmas present but she ended up telling me because the sales people she was talking with told her to inform me so that I could give her a good idea of what I wanted…for all they knew, I’d not like the gift.  A few weeks before she bought it, she’d been asking me gun questions but I thought she was asking idle questions (she does that from time to time and knows a bit about weapons — 20 years of Army service that she accrued).  She asked me my preference of caliber and make.  I told her .40 and Sig Sauer.  Well, she took that information and went back to the sales people and told them.  They recommended a .45 instead, as .40s are known for being a bit snappy in recoil.  So, we were Christmas shopping and she told me that she wanted to show me something and that she wanted me to close my eyes…she then led me to the gun shop in the store (the Ft. Belvoir Exchange).  When I opened my eyes, I was shocked.  She showed me the gun she wanted to buy me.  It was the Equinox…it’s all shadow and light, with dark wooden grips.  We went to look at other guns at other shops over the next few days but we settled on the Equinox and bought it the day before Thanksgiving.

That’s the greatest present she’s ever given me and it was also very thoughtful.  It was also pricey, as far as guns retail for.  $1040.

I took it to a local in-door range the week after I got it.  It shoots great.  The trigger is awesome in both DA and SA modes.  It does have recoil, however.  The previous calibers I’ve fired (they were a friend’s guns) were 9mm and .40…both Sigs.  In comparison to that .40, my P220 isn’t offering less recoil.  They both feel about the same.  Now, I don’t remember what .40 Sig my friend had, but I’ve the feeling I’d have been happy with a .40 Sig.  That’s not a huge issue, though…I’m happy with my gift!

The P220 comes with 2 8-round mags.  The mags are stiff as hell out-of-the-box and have to be broken in.  Load rounds into them to exercise the springs.  They loosen up over time and with use.

The P220 also has a very stiff recoil spring that will loosen up over time and use.  As it is now, it is difficult to rack the gun.

I’ve put approximately 100 rounds through the gun so far and the mags and recoil spring have loosened a bit…they’re still a bit stiff, though.

I’ve a gun safe, especially since I’ve three kids.  I’ve the Stack-On Model # PS-508-12.  This safe is small but has enough room for 3-4 handguns (maybe even more if nothing else is in the safe).  BJs has this safe, as well as an assortment of Sentry safes.  I liked this one because it was a bit under $60 and was low in profile.


I bought another gun.  I sold some car parts to a fellow Subaru owner and used the money to buy a Sig Sauer SP2022 in 9mm.  This will probably be my carry gun.  Yes, it is rather large to carry, but it is sold as a compact gun.  It is about the same size as many compact guns of other makes.  Note that the SP isn’t yet in my possession.  It is currently being delivered to my local gunshop.  I got this gun for $389.  I’ve also ordered two extra magazines (at $22/ea from Cabelas…during a sale).  This is key, because the gun only comes with one magazine and people complain that extra mags are expensive…I’ve heard quotes of $50/ea.

So, I can carry this gun but also practice with it to hone my basic handgun skills…9mm ammo is cheaper than .45 ACP, so there’s a lower cost factor with this gun.

I did not want a sub-compact gun.  I held a Walther PPK in .380 and could barely hold the gun, it was so small.  I’ve big hands, so I need a gun with substantial grip, even if it means it’ll be more difficult to carry…I can’t stand when my hand is hanging off of a gun grip, as it doesn’t feel comfortable to me. I’m a bit passionate about this because there is this thing about carry guns that forum monkeys will try to sell people:  carry guns have to be small.  That’s bullshit, IMO, and seems to be more of an attempt to limit a gun owner.

Lastly, I’ll give you a history of my involvement with firearms.

I’m a 10-year military veteran.  Up until 2014, I’d never owned a firearm, but in my 10 years of active duty, I’ve slept with guns, took a dump with guns, practiced almost monthly with guns, deployed to hostile environment with guns, and performed guard duty with live rounds, with a mag in the gun but no round chambered.  And when I went to the range, I actually coached on basic marksmanship and sight zero adjustments.  I’ve fired M16A2s almost exclusively, but also attended an OPFOR range while assigned to the 2nd ID G2 section…we fired captured Soviet-type weapons and ammunition.  I’ve fired claymores, as well, at an actual claymore range at Fort Bragg.  I’ve also handled both plastic explosives, blasting caps, low yield TNT and high explosives (I had to know how to emergency dispose of classified machinery).  This is just everyday stuff to most veterans (minus the explosives bit, probably), but with all that being said, I’m still new to handguns, but keep in mind that a lot (but not all) of my rifle experience carries over to handguns.  And really, a lot of this is common sense.  I’ve 10 years of extremely valuable firearms experience and have never owned a handgun…why is it that I’m comfortable with my P220?  Because in the basic sense, a gun is a gun.  I already knew how to clear a semi-automatic handgun because it’s basically the same as clearing an M16:  drop the mag, pull and/or lock back the charging handle, look inside the chamber for any rounds, if there are no rounds, release the slide and place on safe (if applicable, because many Sigs don’t have manual safes).  As well, in Virginia (where I’m from), military veterans can apply for their concealed carry license with nothing more than their DD214s as a prerequisite form (with an honorable discharge).

Stay tuned, as I’ll be gradually beefing up this page with my weapons and ownership experiences.