I wanted a place to discuss my handguns and firearms in general. Everyone seemingly has lots to say about guns, so I promise you this won't be a rant blog.
Because I’m trying appendix carry (with a 4.25″ 1911), I needed a new belt, as the traditional belt (with buckle) doesn’t work well with appendix carry.
I bought a Wolf Tactical Heavy Duty Simple EDC belt from Amazon. I’ve tested it’s fit and it wears well! I like it a lot, so far but really, all it has to do is not be in the way when I carry this 1911 appendix-style.
How’s the Crossbreed “The Reckoning” holster? Eh, it’s OK.
I ran into one issue where the damned gun wouldn’t fit into the kydex shell. The mould is wrong for this shell, as ended up cutting a bit of kydex off where the muzzle rests – the shell has a muzzle stop, but it ends up stopping the gun from fully seating into the holster; the trigger is exposed. Once I cut off the muzzle stop, I was able to properly seat the firearm.
I didn’t want to return the holster because it’s December and I didn’t know when I’d have received the proper holster. Cutting the kydex a bit didn’t bother me. I do recommend that anyone that wants to try this holster and needs to carry an Officer or Commander 1911 should probably buy the holster for the 5″ gun, otherwise you’re going to run into fitment issues.
Another thing I wish this holster had was height and cant adjustment. I’ll look at their website to see if they’ve adjustable clips. UPDATE: I just looked on their website and they have 3-hole versions of the clips that I have, for $3.75 each. I might be able to use clips from other holster makers, too. would be nice to have more than 4+ hole adjustments.
Also, this holster has a claw, which helps a LOT, but I also needs a wedge. I need the gun pushed into my body a bit more than it is, as the gun’s grip is poking out and printing. I suppose I could add a wedge to it.
Mirror shot #1, concealed
Mirror shot, unconcealed
Mirror shot, close up, unconcealed
From above, notice how the grip sticks out – a wedge would probably fix this issue.
Mirror shot, zoomed out a bit
From the right side
From center-right
From 3:30 – 4 o’clock
1-2 o’clock
Directly from the front
Mirror shot #2, concealed
I’ll report/share more as I learn more about appendix carry, but it looks like I may need a wedge (it’s digging into my lower abdomen pretty good, too).
I received the Alien Gear holster shell for the SP2022. I used the compact backing from the Sig P320 holster that I have. The gun carries well but is quite a big bulkier than my Grand Power P11. I’ve adjusted the cant so that it’s leaning forward, which helps a bit in hiding the longer grip.
I received the Alien Gear holster shell for the SP2022. I used the compact backing from the Sig P320 holster that I have. The gun carries well but is quite a big bulkier than my Grand Power P11. I’ve adjusted the cant so that it’s leaning forward, which helps a bit in hiding the longer grip.
I’m 5′ 7″ and 175-180 lb. I tend to carry with a shirt over my firearm, usually a T-shirt or golf shirt that is untucked. Today, I’m straight from work (have to be tucked in, but I usually wear something over my shirt (sweater or bigger shirt or sweater). I think it’s important to know how I carry so that you know my carry experience. The belt is a Galco 1.5″. The holster is an Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 3.0.
Camera is at 3 o’clock position – holster is at 4 o’clock
Camera is at 4 o’clock position – holster is at 4 o’clock
Camera is at 5 o’clock position – holster is at 4 o’clock
Oh, and those pinky extension magazine base plates? I ordered some flat ones but to be honest, it’s a trivial concern…trust me, it’s not going to make all that much of a difference if you’re coming from a subcompact and are opting for a handgun of the size of the SP2022. I kid you not. I will more than likely return those mag base plates or sell them.
By the way, I ordered those flat mag base plates from RoCo Firearms. They are currently $12.50 each. I’m not sure if I posted their origins, but if not…
I have not carried this gun outside of the house (yet). It is more comfortable than I imagined (so far). The magazine is empty, though, but I don’t think a loaded mag will make much of a difference…it’s not the weight that will bother me (I’ve a good holster and belt). The bulkiness of the gun is probably all I need to get accustomed to.
I also received the Alien Gear holster shell for the Beretta I bought last night. I’m curious on how that will carry. In fact, I just might have an IWB bake-off between the Beretta and Sig. It will be interesting, since they both have similar manual of arms, both are polymer guns, both are similar in width, height, and weight (the Beretta is shorter, though, I believe).
I ordered two Cloak Tuck 2.0 in-waistband holsters from Alien Gear on 3/1. I was informed that the wait could be 4-6 weeks, but they shipped on 3/26. I received the holsters on 3/30 (the shipment was 2-day Priority but took 3 days).
The holsters are awesome. I got one for my Commander-sized 1911s and one for my XD Mod.2. I also bought an extra shell for my SP2022.
The holsters come with a lifetime warranty and I can exchange all three shells for other shells, free of charge for the life of the holsters/shells. The build quality appears to be good. They also came with spare parts (extra screws and grommets). They also came with detailed instructions on how to adjust cant and retention, as well as how to put it on and how to best wear it.
I’ve been wearing the XD Mod.2 holster all week, trying to get used to IWB. The space of the pants you wear with the holsters make all the difference in the world (as well as a strong gun belt). Most of my jeans have shrunk (no, I’m not fat and have recently lost 10 lb with much of it being off my waist), so I may need to go out and get more jeans and/or cargo pants. My dress and work pants appear to be OK, though I can’t carry at work, so that doesn’t really matter as long as I’m on work property.
I think I’m going to trade my SP2022 shell for a Glock 19 or P320 Compact one.
I highly recommend Alien Gear. Just be prepared for a long wait before the product ships. It’s worth the wait, in my opinion.
I submitted for my concealed carry permit on 13 February 2015. I received the permit on 21 February. I’m now able to carry concealed. Yes, that is probably a record timeframe of submittal and approval for the state of Virginia.
I carried for the first time today. I carried the majority of the day. I decided to carry my XD 9 Mod.2. The holster I used was a Blackhawk nylon holster (non-ambidextrous with no mag holder). I was actually looking locally for the Blackhawk ambidextrous holster with mag holder (product #40AM06BK, specifically)…I tried two Walmart stores but someone has been opening the packages, removing the holsters and switching them, because I’d bought two holsters and upon getting them home, I’d found that the holster in the package wasn’t what was advertised on the package’s labeling. The first holster wasn’t even close to what I was looking for, as it was a large holster made of slick black nylon. The second holster (what I’ve since discovered is a Blackhawk Sportster in size 8) wasn’t what I was looking for but was a small holster that was able to hold my two sub-compacts and three compacts (I’ve no idea if it’ll hold my SP2022, but I doubt it…that gun borders on being full-sized).
So, if you’re looking for a cheap (~$20) holster, this may fit the bill. Most people do not like cheap holsters, but it fit my XD 9 perfectly and didn’t feel uncomfortable. I kept the holster at my 4-o’clock strong side and wore a long thick plaid work shirt over it (my wife said I wasn’t printing). I probably need a better (stronger) leather belt, but the one I was using is actually pretty thick…there was only a tad bit of sag. I’ll look for a better belt tomorrow, as the local gun stores will be open and I’m off work.
What other guns will fit in this holster? My Glock 19 fits perfectly and will slide in/out without issue, as will my XD. My Grand Power P11 fits well, also (not as good as the XD, though). My P320 fits great but the take-down lever hangs on the inside of the holster when trying to remove it. I’m wondering if a bit of tape will fix the issue, but I also realize that I should be glad I can use this holster with the other 3 guns without issue. I want to reiterate that this is probably one of the few holsters you’ll find that fits the Grand Power P11…there are NONE specifically made for the P11, so I searched for holsters that would support guns of similar size/dimensions.
I’ve also ordered two Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 2.0 IWB holsters: One for my 1911 commanders and one for my XD 9. I also ordered an extra shell for the Sig SP2022. When I was looking, I saw that they had a two-holster combo deal, which was a lot cheaper than I’d thought it would be to buy two. UPDATE: I’ve received the holsters and conducted a quick assessment here.
The above pictures highlight a potential issue: The 1911 shown doesn’t have an ambi-safety like my RIA does. The right side of the holster doesn’t look to be able to accomodate an ambi-safety. I’m not sure if that means I’ll have to alter the holster. :/ UPDATE – No, the ambi-safety doesn’t cause any fitment issues.
I also bought a Pro Carry HD from The Holster Store. It’s supposed to be an IWB holster but I keep looking at it, wondering, how the hell is it supposed to mount to your belt? I guess I’ll see when I get it tomorrow. Another thing that grabbed my attention (but only just now and not when I’d ordered it) was this blurb buried within the description:
The Pro Carry HD can be worn both both strong side and cross draw. For carrying this item in the small of back inside the waistband, you will need to select the opposite shooting hand.
I plan to carry my gun at the 4-o’clock position with this holster, but this holster won’t give me the option of carrying in the small of the back IWB, which limits me. If I’m understanding the maker correctly, if I want to carry IWB in the small of my back with this holster, I would need to buy a left-hand holster? Thinking on it a bit, and if that’s indeed the case, that would be the more comfortable way to draw a weapon from behind your back…I might order another of these just to try it out.
The Pro Carry HD is also described as being bulky by customer comments on Amazon, although some customers are defending it by reminding gun owners that they should be buying pants with enough waist room to allow for such a holster.
So, tomorrow, I trek to find a nice gun belt (or even two, if they’re priced decently). I’ve one gun store in mind (Trinue in Warrenton), and if the pricing is too high, maybe Guns and Ammo Warehouse. UPDATE: I ended up going to The Gun Shop, which didn’t have any belts, so they sent me to Virginia Arms, and I left with a black Galco 1.5″ gun belt. I also plan to go shooting either tomorrow or Tuesday morning. I need to begin the break-in process of the Glock 19, my P320, and my GP P11. I will probably carry the XD there so that I can fire off a box of SD rounds (Remington HTP +P 115-grain JHP) to see how well the XD responds to that ammo.