ammo defensive ammo pistol training

I Enrolled in Handgun Training!

So, I’ve enrolled in handgun training. I enrolled in a Pistol II course at my range. (Pistol I was too basic and Pistol III was too advanced — we all have to start somewhere, right?) It’s a 2-day course that is held in the evening. I thinking on using my Bul Armory SAS II UL. They recommend either a duty gun or a compact. The SAS II UL isn’t a little gun. It’s not big by any means, but it’s far from small, so may use it during the course.

I’ll be brining a back-up gun, but I’m not sure which to bring. I can either bring my Glock 19 (it’s similarly sized) or my Alpha Foxtrot S15. The Glock 19 seems to be the better option. I’ve several DA/SA guns, too, but I don’t want to have to deal with DA.

I also need to buy ammo for the course, but I think I’ll just buy ammo at that range, right before the start of the course. I don’t need anything special – it just has to be dependable. I’ve been using their Blazer 124-gr brass FMJ and it’s been good, so I think I’ll jsut buy more of that.

I mentioned SD and training ammo in the title. I’ve always wanted to be able to shoot training ammo that was very similar to the SD ammo that I’d be carrying (I’ve no favorite SD ammo at this moment in time). I did quite a bit of research and found that Federal’s AD9SJ4 (124-gr 9mm) matches the Federal Practice and Defend P9HST1TM100 (124-gr 9mm SD ammo), ballistics-wise. The only thing is, I can’t find any place that has the P9HST1TM100 in stock.

They’ve 147-gr pairing as well: AD9SJ3 (Practice ammo) and P9HST2TM100 (147-gr 9mm SD ammo). The P9HST2TM100 is more easily found, by far, than it’s 124-gr counterpart.

Here’s an example of the cost of the AD9SJ3: Just under $17 for a box of 50.

Here’s an example of the cost of the P9HST2TM100: Just under $48 for a box of 100 – this is legit HST JHP Syntech SD ammo.

Bul Armory doesn’t recommend shooting 147-gr from the SAS II UL, but I’ve had no issues shooting various SD ammo in that grainage, so I think I’ll spend some money on a decent sum of this pair of ammo. I’ll probably buy 500 rounds of the AD9SJ3 and maybe 1 to 2 boxes (100-200 rounds) of the P9HST2TM100.

9mm handgun pistol RFID Sentry SmartGunz

Review of the SmartGunz RFID-Enabled 9mm Sentry Pistol

The highlights of this article is that this is supposedly a “smart” gun.  It uses RFID mounted within an included glove to recognize the proper owner of the firearm.  Without such recognition, the handgun can’t be used.

The firearm appears to be a modified 1911.

The firearm also requires the user to wear a fingerless glove (that’s part of the RFID process – a chip is apparently inside the glove).

In addition to the firearm requiring the use of the glove, it also requires the user to depress a switch on the firearm for it to fire.

The firearm is projected to cost $2,495 — YIKE$$$.

So, I guess you’ll either have to sleep with the glove on to use this pistol in a defensive manner as a home defense gun, otherwise, you’d have to hurriedly don the glove when you need to use the firearm.

If you’re to use it to carry (concealed or otherwise), it would require you to wear that glove throughout your day, otherwise the firearm would be useless.

As well, having to depress a switch to shoot a handgun (when you already have the RFID as an enabler)…WTF??

There’s a lot wrong with this handgun.  What’s it supposed to prevent that can be prevented with any current non-smart handgun while also using common sense?  Keep them away from kids and lock them up when not in use (to prevent theft).

I wonder what goes through a LEO’s mind when reading of this handgun.  It’s supposed to appeal to the police organizations.

Apparently this handgun supposedly “Protects you and your loved ones from firearm abuse, accidental firings, and suicide attempts”.

Let’s break that statement down by applying some rational questions to it.

How does this gun protect you and your loved one from firearms abuse any better than a traditional firearm?  While it may lessen negligent (not accidental)  firings, it may also get you killed because it’s useless without the glove and thieves and burglars won’t wait for you to put on the RFID glove so that you can defend yourself.

How does this firearm prevent or lessen suicide attempts???  WTAF…someone wanting to commit suicide with this gun just needs to put on the glove and actuate the button that enables firing – it will do absolutely nothing to prevent the owner from intentionally using it.  Owners of traditional handguns keep them locked up to prevent others from handling the gun (or, they’re liable after the fact of misuse).

The showstopper is the $2500+ price tag, though.  That’s top tier 1911 money.  Does it shoot like a $2500 1911?  Almost certainly not.  What happens when the glove wears out?  What happens when some of that circuitry glitches?  Is the circuitry going to get gummed up with lubricant over time?  I’m sure I can come up with more questions as I sit and think of use cases for this particular firearm.

Bottom line is, if you’re intimidated by firearms and have a Liberal mindset, this gun is for you!  I’ll pass.


PSA AK-P is on the way!

Today I ordered a red PSA AK-P with an SBA4 brace.  This is an AK pistol chambered in 7.62×39.  This will be the first AK I bought that has actual wood.  I was going to get a Magpul version but was torn on what color of polymer to get.  Then I saw that they had red wood and the red is deep in color.

I wanted to get an AK pistol before they were banned/restricted. (Sorry, I’m not interested in AR pistols at this time, although that may change; at one point, I wasn’t interested in 1911s nor AKs.)

I’m not sure when this will be arriving, as I ordered it the Wednesday (night) before Labor Day.  It may arrive this coming Tuesday or Wednesday.

As well, I tried to order a PSA AK-V (9mm AK pistol), but I spent too long trying to decide between it and the Century Arms NAK9X…I tried to add the AK-V to the shopping cart and found that someone already bought it…it was the last one.  :/  So, either I wait for more to be available or I get the NAK9X.  I wanted the PSA due to it’s warranty, but they are very similar.  I believe the PSA is cleaner.  Neither have been heavily reviewed.  I can actually wait on this purchase.  Maybe I can find something cheaper than these two, like a decent Draco with a tube brace.

UPDATE – 9/2:  Well, it actually shipped today (9/2/19), although UPS says it’s not shipped yet — only the shipping label has been created.  It’ll actually ship tomorrow, probably (9/3/19).  This is so that people have an idea of how fast PSA ships firearms.  I ordered the night of 8/28.  That was a Wednesday night.  It is currently Monday (Labor Day).

UPDATE 2 – 9/3:  And, it really shipped today; so sayeth UPS.  It’ll be here on Thursday (9/5).

UPDATE 3 – 9/7:  It is here (I picked it up yesterday) —