So I received and installed the bunch of AK47 goodies mentioned when I last posted.
Several things worth mentioning:
1. The AK Master Mount fit perfectly onto the AMD-63 but one of the screw heads is too big, so I can’t tighten it down flush. It will require either some grinding on the trigger guard guide or the screw head to lessen the diameter of the head. This is not a problem with the product but with my firearm (that trigger guard may be non-standard AK equipment…not sure yet).
2. The railed scope mount is difficult to adjust. It took me 20 minutes just to ensure I wasn’t breaking the throw lever (never mind that there were several threats within the included documentation that if you broke it while adjusting it, you wouldn’t be eligible for a refund…that’s not confidence-inspiring to read nor does it inspire confidence in the product).
3. The railed scope mount is probably not the proper product for use with a RDS. I mounted my two RDS’s and they were not able to cowitness because the scopes were mounted too high. The rail is too high-profile. I need something lower profile so that I can cowitness properly. As it is now, the dots are as low as they can be adjusted and they’re still too high over the front sight post.
I thought about returning the railed scope mount but I may be able to use it with other scopes that don’t require co-witness (ie, high power magnification scopes), so I’m going to keep it. As well, the adjustments I made to the mount and the mounting process has shaved some metal from the lever catch…I can see Midwest, with all that threatening in the documentation, making a fuss over that, never mind the instructions not being for the proper product.
I’ve ordered a better mount for my needs, from RS Regulate:

Joined products:

They should ship tomorrow (Monday). Hopefully, I’ll have them by the end of the week.