Canik Canik TP9SA Holosun range visit TP9 Elite Subcompact

Canik Day Was Decent Fun

This is a follow up to the last post.

I had planned a lot for a one-hour range session – maybe a bit too much.

I ended up not shooting the S15 since I forgot to bring extra mags. I didn’t want to have to empty my carry mag and use one mag to shoot that gun, so I opted to not shoot it. It wasn’t a huge deal, since I’ve shot well over 1000 rounds through that gun — I’m not saying that that’s a huge amount but that amount certainly enables me to shoot the gun well enough.

I also opted to not use the Sig OHD app, as I didn’t want to mess with configuring the phone and tripod, as well as having to use the special targets (the printed targets are a turn-off for me, too). I do need to test the app and start using it, as it’s not cheap to subscribe to ($10/month).

I ended up shooting the two Caniks, starting with the TP9SA first. I shot 72 rounds from it, shooting it for roughly 30 minutes. I wanted to spend the time to learn the trigger and how to control this gun. It is full-sized but has a very light trigger and for some reason, I have issues shooting it accurately at 10+ yards. I did better this go-around than I did the prior range trip. If I shoot slowly, I can group the rounds somewhat tightly. As I speed it up, I lose all sorts of control, having pretty bad flyers.

At the half-way point of the range session, I swapped out the TP9SA for the TP9 Elite Subcompact. I had to zero the optic and was going the wrong direction in zeroing for a bit. Once I got it dialed in, I didn’t have a lot of time left. The optic worked well with this gun and I was also able to test out the irons through the optic, which I used o nail a bullseye at 10 yards. They barely cowitness (they cowitness like my SAS II UL does with the 507K, which is, barely). The gun is still difficult to control because it’s small and doesn’t offer a lot of grip support. It feels like it has a lot of muzzle flip, which is odd because my 1911s are roughly the same size and they don’t have nearly the same amount of flip. The Elite SC is far more top-heavy than the 1911s, though, and it’s also using a polymer lower. I shoot it a bit better than I did in past range visits, but it’s not really a fun gun to shoot, IMO. Well, it’s not bad, but is probably the least fun gun to shoot of my collection.

I’ll update this post with pics of the targets tomorrow.

7.62 x 39 AK AK-47 AK-P Arsenal Canik PSA SAM7UF-85 TP9 Elite TP9 Elite Subcompact

AK Range Day!

Today’s range day was deemed AK range day!

I took out the Arsenal SAM7UF and PSA AK-P. The former is a milled rifle that I’ve owned 2-3 years but never shot until today. The latter is an AK pistol that I bought 3-4 years ago and have been shooting off and on.

Both are dreams to shoot. I’ve no range footage because I hate recording when shooting long guns (my mounting point doesn’t agree with the rifle shooting position).

I shot the SAM7UF first. I thought it would be hard on my shoulder but it was rather mild, especially considering that the folding stock’s makeup is usually something that folks complain about. It’s supposedly not easy to shoot, but the stock didn’t bother me (I’ve the rails covered with paracord).

I thought the recoil would bother my shoulder with that stock but much of the recoil never made it to my body. The milled rifle is heavy and the heft absorbed much of the recoil.

I shot out to 25 yards. I wasn’t hitting point of aim but I think it’s because the rifle may be zero’d to 100 yards. I need to study the method of zeroing AKs. When I do, I’ll revisit the range with the SAM7 and zero the gun (on the 25 yard range, since I’ll have a difficult time seeing further than that).

The gun has some blast, too. It seems it has more blast than my other long AK (a bastardized AK-63D from Classic Firearms). I shot 30 rounds before I switched to the PSA AK-P.

The PSA AK-P is a flamethrower but I already knew that. I didn’t feel like squinting trying to hit 25 yard targets so I moved the target closer, to half that distance.

I’ve a red dot sight for this firearm but I removed it when I last took it out, as I hated it. I’m decently accurate with the iron sights, so I shot 30 rounds at one of those target papers that have 5 targets on it. all but maybe 4-5 landed on paper (because the targets on the edge of the paper don’t leave much room for error and I was doing a lot of quasi double-tapping). The groupings were pretty tight for the rate of fire I used. I also shot while standing. A picture is below.

12 yards, standing w/ irons…

The gun bucks and throws fire. Additionally, it got HOT! I burned myself once and had to wrap it up in rags before I put it in it’s case so it wouldn’t melt the inside foam. Also, keep in mind that this is a pistol and the brace is HARD on a shoulder with the kick of an AK pistol. I also tend to pull the gun in really tight while gripping the mag. I’ll be bruised tomorrow.

Lastly, I always try to shoot my carry gun when I’m visiting the range, so I shot some defensive ammo from the Canik TP9 Elite SC. This ammo is something new to me, but I bought a batch of it from my range 2 nights ago, since it was on sale at 19.99 for a box of 50. The make and model is Federal 115-gr Hi-Shok JHP. I bought 250 rounds of it, not knowing if it was good or not but liking the sub-$20/box price. I later researched the ammo and found that the ammo is GOOD and that law enforcement uses it. I’d assumed that since the box was white and since the ammo wasn’t being sold in 20-round boxes, it was range ammo. It is not. So, tonight I bought 100 more rounds of it just to shoot with tonight. It shot well, without hiccups, and without feed or extraction issues. I may end up trying to buy it in bulk but my research shows that when looking for it online, the low price is 0.49/round, which is a bit high compared to what I found at my range. My range will carry it until it runs out and won’t let me buy in bulk anymore (the person that sold it to me apparently shouldn’t have let me buy so much without shooting – I bought it after my shooting session).

Right now, I’m right at 482 rounds shot through the TP9 ESC. Expect that number to go quickly as I continue to practice with it.

The AK-P currently has 370 rounds through it. I could shoot it more but for some reason, shooting that gun indoors gets old quickly (it has tremendous blast). I looked at the internals (trunion, bolt, and bolt carrier) and the parts aren’t beat up (this model is a GF3). Most AK snobs hate US-made AK, and think they’re sub-par. If I have any issues, it’ll be something like fire-pin issues, or something stuck in the firing pin channel (primer metal), or maybe a loose firing pin retaining pin (which probably won’t be an issue, as I’ve checked it and it is not loose at all). I will probably buy another firing pin, in case the OEM one breaks.

The SAM7UF only has 30 rounds through it but I’ll try to shoot it more, now that it’s no longer virgin.