1911 9mm Commander firearms Rock Island Armory Rock Ultra Tac Ultra

The Rock Island Armory Tac Ultra MS 9mm Is Now Dialed In!

I went to the range maybe two weeks ago and my main goal was to dial in the sights on a particular 1911. Instead of spending a significant amount of range time zero’ing the gun, what I’d been doing was shooting 1-2 mags every range visit, bringing the targets home, and making sight adjustments at home. I’d then bring the gun when next visiting the range and testing the sights to determine if further adjustments were necessary. I did this maybe 3 times before I was satisfied.

Why not just spend a whole range session to do this? I’ve other guns that I want to shoot (to work out similar issues in adjustment)…timesharing guns can sometimes be problematic and I don’t have my own range or know of anyone that does.

The below video highlights the culmination of properly adjusting the sights on this gun.

The gun is a Rock Island Armory Tac Ultra MS with the 9mm barrel (it came with two). I’ve never shot this gun well, accuracy-wise, and I’d thought it was due to it being bushing-barreled. I’ve another RIA MS 9mm gun and it is bull-barreled – that gun is a low-effort gun as far as accuracy is concerned. I’ve always been accurate with that gun and I always thought it was mainly due to the bull barrel.

Both of those guns lack front strap checkering, and I sometimes struggle with maintaining a proper grip on those two guns. I added a strip of Talon Grips tape on each on their front straps. I think that is why I had such a great session with the Tac Ultra.

Note that I’m shooting at 15 yards, at 2″ sticky bullseyes. I could barely see those sticky targets at that range, but tried to just aim as best I could and tried to maintain proper grip and trigger discipline. I think it worked out well!

2011 Springfield Armory

Is an Officer-sized Prodigy on the Way?!

Is an Officer-sized Prodigy on the way? I believe it is!

There was a Reddit post of a gun shop receiving two Prodigy handguns. One was a 3.5″ 9mm handgun and the other was a 4.25″ 9mm handgun. The poster supplied pictures. Both had compact-sized grip modules (think BUL Amory Ultralight grip size).

I knew I should’ve grabbed a screenshot of the post, because I went back maybe 30 min later and the person that had shared the pics had deleted the pictures and his comments. I think the guy realized that he shouldn’t have been posting about those guns since he was probably under NDA.

For sure, these two guns are on the way, and that pretty much wrecks my gun-buying plans this year…LOL! For certain, I’m going to get that Officer-sized Prodigy when it is released to the public…it will replace my Ultralight. As well, I still need a 5″ 9mm 2011/1911, and that will probably be a Prodigy…I can afford both.

That Reddit thread is here.

UPDATE: Here’s another Reddit post of this, only it is the 4.25″ Prodigy Compact (4.25″ barrel with compact grip with 15-round mags). The UPC code is 706397969073 and the MPN is PH9116AOS. There is one store that has a staged product page that has the UPC code and MPN. I’ve seen no data on the 3.5″ Prodigy Compact, though. This post pertains to a person that actually bought a Prodigy Compact, surely a mistake on the gun store’s behalf.

1911 9mm Rock Island Armory Rock Ultra Tac Ultra

My Rock Island Armory Rock Ultra MS 9mm is Fixed!

For some reason, I decided to take a look at my RIA Rock Ultra MS today, as it’s been sitting in a drawer the past 2 years since the front sight came off.

A while back, I ordered another (OEM) front sight but had been shying away from installing it myself. The new front sight was bought from Armscor (was maybe $20). The only reasons I’ve held off on installing it is because I’ve never done it in the past and because I’ve been busy with other guns.

I decided to try my hand at installing the sight. I’ve files but they’re cheap – I was hoping I wouldn’t need a file. I had sandpaper on hand. I’d slowly sand off the bottom of the front sight for maybe 10-15 strokes, and then test fitment on the slide. I don’t think I even needed to file the bottom down, because I think the slide has too much cut from the front (gun maker’s error). This is probably why I found so much red thread-locker under the front sight. I also have a hammer/punch kit that came with two heavy nylon rods (specifically provided for fitting parts). I was able to tap the front sight in. I used no thread-locker since I tend to get my guns hot at the range. I don’t want to depend upon thread-locker, but I honestly don’t think I need it, the sight is so snug on the dovetail.

The sight did not come with a fiber optic element but I have some on-hand. I installed a Tru-Glo rod.

This gun is now ready for the range again.

I thought I’d shot a lot through it but, per my records, I’m currently at 590 rounds through the gun. I’ll take it to the range soon so that I can test the sight…it shouldn’t come off — I used a decent amount of effort to get the sight onto the slide.

Last I remember (and per my notes, again), this was one of my favorite guns to shoot before I bought the SAS II Ultralight and S15. I shoot it extremely well, even at distance. The trigger is heavy, though…feels like maybe 5 lb, but I’ll test that again soon and update the post with the results. The gun has a thick bull barrel and is heavy, so it’s going to feel more planted that the Ultralight. I’ve a RIA Tac Ultra MS that is bushing-barreled and the Rock Ultra MS feels more solid/tight.

As I’m out of 9mm ammo, I’ll be visiting Cabelas tomorrow to grab maybe 250 rounds of WWB for the SAS II UL, since I’m close to 2000 rounds out of that gun.

Update – Trigger pulls of Rock Ultra

1 – 4 lb 8 oz
2 – 3 lb 13 oz
3 – 4 lb 2 oz
4 – 4 lb 6 oz
5 – 4 lb 14 oz
Average of 5 for Rock Ultra – 4 lb 5 oz
Average of 5 for Tac Ultra – 2 lb 14 oz

45ACP American Classic B45R Commander Metro Arms SDS Imports

45ACP Self Defense Ammo On The Way!

I plan on carrying one of my 45ACP 1911s, although I haven’t decided which to carry yet.

I bought another Alien Gear holster and it arrived last week. This holster fits the new 5″ 1911 that I bought, the SDS 1911 Duty. I’ve never tried to carry (inside the waistband) a full-sized 1911. I tried carrying the 1911 Duty two days last week. While it is thinner than my Canik TP9 Elite SC, and carries better, but it is LONG! It is long to the point that I can’t store anything in my left right-hand rear pocket.

The Alien Gear holster is very nice and isn’t the issue. It’s just that the 5″ 1911 is longer than that I’m used to and I don’t think I’m going to be able to get used to it’s length. I’ll keep the holster anyways, just in case I decide I ever need to carry the 5″ 1911.

I’m 90% sure I think I’m going to attempt to carry my Metro Arms 1911 Commander instead. I’ve a holster shell that will fit unrailed 1911 Commanders. It is currently mounted to another Alien Gear backer and will fit the gun, but the backer is meant for smaller handguns. I’ll use it for the Commander regardless.

Before carrying either gun, I need to test SD ammo from both 1911s.

I ordered the following ammo:

  • 3 x 50-round PMC 45B Bronze 45 ACP 185 gr JHP from White Birch Armory (the same place I bought the SDS 1911)
  • 3 x 20-round boxes of Underwood 45 ACP +P 185 Grain JHP from MidwayUSA
  • 3 x 20-round boxes of Underwood 45 ACP +P 230 Grain JHP from MidwayUSA

I should be able to find acceptable ammo from the above batch, and after testing, I’ll order more for carry purposes.

I’ll keep you all updated on if there are issues with using the JHP with either 1911.