Canik Clark Brothers subcompact TP9 Elite Virginia Warrenton

My Thoughts on My Recently Purchased Canik TP9 Elite Subcompact

Yes, this is now a thing.  It feels good enough to replace my XD45 Mod 2 as my daily carry.  I’m tempted to use the holster that’s included with it (it’s configured by default to use as OWB, but I’ve rotated the clips so that I can use the holster as IWB) but when testing it, the grip rubs my skin, so I’d have to wear undershirts when using this holster.  I’d looked at N8 Tactical but they don’t have a Pro model hostler for this specific handgun.

I’ll probably visit the range some time this week so that I can get some rounds through the gun (mandatory for me, before I can consider carrying it).  Fortunately, I’ve a bit of 9mm ammo stashed away.  I may even consider using a red dot optic on it, since it has an RMR slide cut.

 I may also decide to sell my two TP9SAs and use the funds from selling those to obtain an SF Elite (looked at one of those yesterday at the LGS).

By the way, if you’re in Northern Virginia around Manassas or Gainesville, visit Clark Brothers.  They’re a good LGS.

UPDATE:  I’ve visited the range with the new Canik.  I’ve a post range visit video here:

bar Canik Canik Fanatik excessive wear RMA spring TP9SA trigger

TP9SA Trigger, Trigger Bar, Firing Pin Block, and Springs Replaced!

I recently published the following post – Issue with one of my TP9SAs (or maybe both).

I sent the tan TP9SA back the week of April 15 in the hopes that Century Arms (the importer of Caniks) would replace some worn parts on the firearm.

I received the gun back today (28 April).

Per the work ticket that they provided when returning the firearm, the gunsmith noticed the trigger parts were “worn/poor” and replaced the trigger, trigger bar, firing pin block, and upgraded the springs.

They also checked headspace, mag catch fitment, ejector functionality, and test-fired 18 rounds (presumably to check the trigger work they performed).

Just dry-firing it, there’s a night/day difference with the trigger. The new trigger spring is still different from what’s in the black one, but at least they fixed the tan handgun’s worn parts. The trigger bar where the trigger spring attaches is flat, vs the original part having nooks at the top portion. It no longer feels that the trigger bar is dragging on another part when pulling the trigger.

I was on the fence on sending the gun back to them, after reading of complaints here and on the FB groups. They were very engaged with the process of me reaching out to them, them sending me info on how to file a claim, them receiving the firearm and working on it in a timely fashion, and them sending me back the firearm (in a real gun box that was discreetly packaged). The gun is also clean (they stated they cleaned it after the test firing). I’ve no complaints at all…I received outstanding service.

I guess I’ll need to visit the range with this firearm soon.

2A anti-gun Biden Colion Noir ghost guns POTUS UBC universal background checks

Video – Biden’s Anti-gun Tactics & Executive Orders

It’s a bold lie that the majority of the US favors background checks.  Colion Noir provided details to refute that awhile back (

It’s also bad (and quite bold) for a standing US president to say that NO amendment is absolute when the 2nd affirms the inalienable right to bear arms.  That statement should be raising quite a few eyebrows.  2A doesn’t grant citizens the right.  2A isn’t the US government giving citizens permission to bear arms.  2A is the government acknowledging that the right exists and is beyond the US government to take away.  Some believe (as I do) that it is a God-given (or natural) right.

So he’s going to ban ghost guns.  Why?  A mass shooter has never used a ghost gun to commit atrocities, so why the focus on ghost guns?

He’s pushing universal background checks.  Why?  There have been mass shooters committing atrocities in states that require universal background checks.  UBCs don’t stop mass shootings.

The tactic of creating many laws to impede lawful abiding gun owners is ridiculous.

10mm 1911 22TCM 9mm R1 Remington RIA Rock Island Armory sight adjustment

1911 Range Summary for 3/20/2021

Video Highlights:

1.  We bought Remington R1 mags (45ACP doublestacked) for use with my RIA 10mm HC, since I can’t find any Armscor mags.  One mag feeds well, the other does not.  Also, the R1 mags will fit the OEM 10mm base plates.

2.  We had feed issues with the RIA 22TCM extracting spent cases (the cases were getting stuck in the chamber).  This was an ammo issue – I had half a box of older ammo that I’d put aside because I was blowing primers and one case refused to come out of the chamber.  I’d forgotten that this was a box I wasn’t supposed to finish shooting.  In fact, there was one primer that was blown out in this range visit (I forgot to mention that in the video).

3.  I’ve been frustrated with all of my 1911s, thinking that I can’t shoot them because I’m never able to have tight groupings or that I’m always hitting low left (meaning I’m flinching or have bad trigger discipline).  Well, I prove that’s not the case on this range visit, as I also took my 9mm RIA Rock Ultra.  My groups were tight and directly under the bullseye.  I was shooting this gun the same way as the other two.  This proves I need to make sight adjustments.  In this case, I need to move the POI up 2 inches.  In the case of the 10mm, I need to adjust the sights up and to the right a few inches.  Not sure yet on how I need to adjust the sights on the 22TCM (maybe 2″ to the right).

1911A2 45ACP base plate Century Arms magazines R1 Remington

Looking for mags that fit your RIA 1911A2?

When I bought my RIA 10mm 1911A2, I tried to order A2 mags from (Armscor parts/support site).  The showed as having plenty in stock but apparently, they were out, because my order sat for a month before I told them to cancel it.  In fact, they’re still showing as out of stock at the time of this posting.

I tried looking at other places but most stores are out of stock.  The only stores I saw that had them were in places like Alaska and Canada and they required $100 in purchases before they’d even consider sending to you (shipping was free, though).

I then saw in a 1911 FB group where a guy stated he’d bought Remington R1 .45ACP double-stack mags and that the mags latched into the gun.  The mags fed ammo reliably into the handgun.

I decided to seek out that magazine type.  Again, I had a difficult time finding a place that had them in stock, but I finally found that Century Arms carries them.  I ordered two of the mags on 3/9.  It is now 3/18 and they’ve arrived at my door.

The first mag latched without issue, but the second one initially would not latch.  Ground the top of the mag’s catch hole just a tad.  It now latches.

Both fit without issue, although latching is pretty tight…this can be fixed by ordering thinner base plates (or slightly grinding the top of the catch hole on the mag).  The mags are designed for 45ACP and will hold 16 rounds of 45ACP.  I loaded one mag with 10mm and was able to load 18.

I will be visiting the range tonight or tomorrow to test feeding/functionality with both mags. I’ll test with 16 rounds as well as 18.

These mags are $9-$10 cheaper than the mags Armscor sells and they appear to be more readily available.  I’ve been trying to get mags since 1/31 and Armscor went out of stock around that time.  I could find Para mags but didn’t want to hack/cut/file a mag.  Granted, I had to grind one of the mags I bought, but it was a 10 sec grind where you wouldn’t even notice an alteration.

The base plate on the R1 mags are rather thick.  They protrude from the magwell a bit, but they can be changed to something less thick (or they can be ignored for shooting purposes).

OEM magazine
OEM magazine
R1 magazine
R1 magazine

As of 3/9, Century Arms had them in stock.  I’m not sure if they’re still showing as in stock but if you need 1911A2 mags for your RIA, Century Arms is currently the place to visit.

UPDATE (3/19/2021):  I took off the base plate on the OEM mag to see if it’ll fit on the R1 mags.  It does.  So, if you buy the R1 mags, you can buy OEM base plates from Armscor and fit them on the R1 mags.

UPDATE (12/21/2021): Century Arms has stopped carrying the Remington R1 double-stack mags.  🙁

blogger google+ traffic traffic block wordpress

I’m Experiencing a Traffic Issue

I’ve been trying my hardest to get more traffic to the site.  My site took a hit when Google killed Google+.  

Now I’m thinking that the site might be purposely be hindered from getting traffic.  

I’ve other blogs that get hits.  This one hardly gets any.  The other blogs aren’t firearms-related.  This one is.

I may go a different route with this.  Instead of using Blogger (which is a Google product), I may host this  blog on my own server via WordPress.  We’ll see.

UPDATE – I just discovered this article. (The word “article” was linked, but the link didn’t migrate when I migrated this website.) It’s as I thought…this blog is more than likely being hidden from search engines.  I will start planning to host my own site with a big hosting service.

Excel Google Docs journal log range

Range Log – Track Your Experience Via Spreadsheet!

This is just a quick post on range logs or journals.

I have a spreadsheet that I use to keep track of rounds shot out of my guns.  I also use it as a range log.  I usually log things such as the type of ammo shot, as well as the grain of the projectile.  I’ll log any failures and will also log if a particular ammo make/model is accurate/clean/etc.  I keep track of each range visit by date and can see how much ammo I fired that day, even if I shoot 3 different guns during a specific range session.

Why do I do this?  Because I love stats, but a really good reason to track round counts is so that you know when a recoil spring (or other gun internals) needs to be replaced.  As well, it will track ammo makes/models that your guns might not like.

I decided to see which of my guns had the most rounds through it.  The spreadsheet already shows this (I’ve formulas that show total round counts of each gun), but I wanted to calculate it via pivot table.  I’ve done it in Excel but I use Google Docs and it is quite different.  Well, I did it:

1477Grand Power P11 Mk12
773Bersa Thunder 380 Plus
565Glock 19
555SA XD9 Mod.2

In 6th place (I only did the top 5) is the RIA 22TCM 1911 at 526 rounds. It’s round count will climb, as I’ve been trying to shoot 1911s more often, especially since my newest handgun is a big bore 10mm 1911.  I’ll continue to shoot the 22TCM since that ammo is currently cheaper than 10mm.

A sample of the spreadsheet I use is here. (Note that there’s no pivot table, but you’ll be able to see the total round count for a particular firearm in the far right-hand column.)  Feel free to copy this and use it as you see fit.  You can download it and open it using MS Excel, use Google Docs, or even other free office suite spreadsheet software.

bar Canik Canik Fanatik excessive wear RMA spring TP9SA trigger

Issue with one of my TP9SAs (or maybe both)

I’ve two Canik TP9SAs.  I bought a black one in Jan of 2014.  Back then I was planning to move to CA.  I’d decided to buy another TP9SA since no Caniks are on the CA DOJ Approved List of guns, so I bought the tan TP9SA.

I’d always wondered why there was a drastic difference between the two triggers.  For reference, the below are the trigger pull stats for both handguns:

Black handgun:

2 lb 14.3 oz

2 lb 15.8

2 lb 7.3

3 lb 1.4

2 lb 8.0

Average – 2 lb 12.6 oz

Tan handgun:

3 lb 12.3 oz

3 lb 3.3

3 lb 2.1

3 lb 2.9

3 lb 4.8

Average: 3 lb 5.1 oz

Initially, I’d noticed that the trigger bar on the tan one appeared to be rubbing against the frame, so I thought that was why.  Maybe two weeks ago, I decided to remove the slides of both and put them side by side so that I could compare components, knowing that the black TP9SA had the good trigger.  Well, I noticed that the trigger springs appear to greatly differ between the two guns!  The black handgun appears to have the lighter spring with more coils.  The tan gun’s trigger spring is heavier with less coils.

When I posted pictures to Canik Fanatik’s forums, I was told that the tan gun had the standard spring and that the black one may be out of spec.

Keep in mind, both guns were bought new.  The black handgun was bought locally, at a gun store.  The tan gun was bought from Prepper Gunshop.

I dry fire both a lot, although I don’t shoot them much.  I’ve a lot of handguns, so I tend to rotate my favorites a lot…the Caniks are good but are not my favorites, so the round counts for both are low.  I’ve shot 150 rounds from the tan handgun and 100 rounds from the black gun.  Still, that’s way too much wear from just dry firing.  As well, I dry fire them roughly the same amount, but only the one handgun has excessive wear.

I mention the dry fire because the tan TP9SA has a lot of wear on the bar/lever that the spring is attached to.  On the top of that lever is supposed to be a 90 degree edge.  That edge is completely gone and almost worn level.  On the black handgun, the edge is present.  As well, on the striker surface that the trigger bar actuates, the surface is worn and material appears to be missing (it’s supposed to be a flat surface, but the area is beveled from excessive wear.

I’m currently OK with the way the black handgun’s trigger is.  It’s light but not too light (it’s about as light as I’m willing to allow).  There’s no wear.  At least one person at Canik Fanatik’s forums thinks there’s something wrong with the black handgun, but I don’t think anything is wrong with it….as long as there’s no excessive wear, I’m OK with it.

So, I reached out to Canik and told them the issues.  They replied back asking for a slew of information so that they could process the RMA.  Once I get the RMA number from them, I’ll send it to them to check out, tune, or replace.

I’ll update the blog as I’m updated by Canik.

UPDATE – 4/22/2021:  Century Arms currently has the Canik.  Due to Coronavirus, it may be awhile before it’s repaired and sent back to me, but I’m patiently awaiting.

10mm 1911A1 1911A2 22TCM FS HC Rock Island Armory Rock Ultra

Time for A 10mm Range Visit

I picked up the RIA Rock Ultra FS HC 10mm this morning before work (5 min wait to get background check results – I’m squeaky clean).

As usual, the handgun was covered in cosmoline and was in a plastic bag.  It came with one mag (as expected) and a manual.  The envelope with the spent cases showed an inspection date of 12/18/2020, meaning the gun is new.

The recoil spring is Popeye strong…you probably need to open a can of spinach to rack the slide.  I’m not joking…it’s strong and probably needs to be.  One of the things I struggle with when handling the gun is racking the slide.  I wish the slide had more aggressive serrations, because I sometimes can’t get a good enough grip to properly rack the gun.

I field-stripped the gun to clean off the preservative (it is not lube).  The machining is really nice.  This gun has a bull barrel, too…there’s no bushing, so you need to use a tool or paper clip to field strip the gun.  Now, to break down the recoil spring assembly (which consists of  the recoil rod, spring, and reverse plug), you’re not going to be able to do it your fingers.  The spring is far too strong.  Use the slide to help with that process.

The thumb safety needs to be tightened…it’s a bit loose (all of my Filipino 1911s were).

I changed the fiber filament of the front sight.  I had trouble removing it.  It appears as if someone (maybe) used an adhesive or even Locktite to secure it.  I replaced it with a TruGlo filament.

I took the gun to the range this evening, along with my RIA 22TCM.  The Rock Ultra manages recoil very well…I had no issues controlling the handgun, although I was using 180-gr FMJ range ammo (S&B and Ammo Inc).  It shoots far better than my Glock 22, but it has a lot more weight than the G22, as well.  The 10mm was launching spent casings against the side of the booth and I’ve no doubt it’ll throw brass 30 or so feet.

The S&B ammo is NICE ammo!  It’s clean and very accurate.  I was shooting from 7 yards.  I always do…no need to shoot further than that, IMO, and it’s a good distance to benchmark a handgun.  I shot 25 rounds of S&B, noting that my grouping was relatively tight.  I then loaded a mag of the Ammo Inc.  That ammo sucks!!  I was all over the place and at first thought it was me.  No.  The ammo is very inconsistent and was throwing ammo all over the target.  I will not be buying anymore of that ammo…well, I might, if the ammo prices keep climbing.  Bad ammo is better than no ammo, I guess.

As always, when shooting 1911s, I always shoot low left of center.  The groups may be tight, but I still shoot low left.  I think I’ve determined what I’m doing wrong.  When the gun is in my hand and I’m aiming down the sights, I’m almost 100% certain that the gun isn’t aiming straight down-range.  I must be aiming left.  Also, I caught myself (twice) flinching when pulling the trigger.  The flinching is making me pull low left – I actually saw it when reviewing my GoPro range footage (which is why I use the camera when shooting).  So, I’ve to work on getting better at shooting 1911s.  I did eventually walk the rounds to bulls-eye with the 22TCM 1911, though (I shot 50 rounds).

I will return to the range soon, but will probably bring the AK pistols next go around.  I may bring the Rock Ultra as well, if I can find more 10mm ammo.

10mm 1911A2 FS HC RIA Rock Ultra

My RIA Rock Ultra HC FS 10mm is inbound!

 My first 10mm is now at my FFL dealer (my gun club).  It shipped on 2/12 and arrived at the FFL today (2/16).  Pickup is by appointment only and the earliest opening they have is 2/19 (Friday).  So, I will be picking it up at 9:30 AM that day.

Not only is this my first 10mm, it’s my first full-sized 1911, and first double-stacked (M1911A2) 1911.

I also have 200 rounds of 10mm range ammo coming – ordered online:  100 rounds of Sellier & Bellot 180-gr FMJ and  100 rounds of Ammo Inc. 180-gr FMJ.  I’ll also attempt to see if I can find more (hotter, maybe) locally.

So, the plan is to pick up the 1911 Friday morning, clean it sometime during the day, and visit the range either that evening or the following day.

The two extra mags that I ordered haven’t even been processed yet…I’ve no idea why there’s such a hold-up at Armscor.  I hate it when a gun shop’s website says they’ve hardware in stock but when you order it, it’s not in stock.  IMO, that’s false advertising.

I’ve a bunch of new Go Pro batteries and plan to use the Go Pro to catch footage of my first 10mm experience!