1911 1911A1 American Classic beveled bushings Commander grips Metro Arms VZ Walkure

Metro Arms American Classic Commander – New Grips

Man, I had issues getting the grip screws out of the bushings.  The bushings kept coming out with the screws.  They’re supposed to stay in place.  I tried various methods of getting them out but I eventually ended up really tightening the screws and then suddenly loosening them, breaking the tight seal in the process.
Also, the new grips (VZ Walkure olive green) were not plug-n-play.  They required some slight grinding on the left side, on top.  That was due to the extended slide lock and extended safety.  You can’t tell that I grinded them.  Note that I also had to the the same to the OEM grips…I had to grind the left top side to accommodate the extended safety, as well.
These grips are not as aggressive as my VZ G10s that are on my Rock Island Armory 1911s, but I do notice a definite improvement in grip.  A range session is in order!  🙂
Here are some pictures.

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