1911 9mm Commander firearms Rock Island Armory Rock Ultra Tac Ultra

The Rock Island Armory Tac Ultra MS 9mm Is Now Dialed In!

I went to the range maybe two weeks ago and my main goal was to dial in the sights on a particular 1911. Instead of spending a significant amount of range time zero’ing the gun, what I’d been doing was shooting 1-2 mags every range visit, bringing the targets home, and making sight adjustments at home. I’d then bring the gun when next visiting the range and testing the sights to determine if further adjustments were necessary. I did this maybe 3 times before I was satisfied.

Why not just spend a whole range session to do this? I’ve other guns that I want to shoot (to work out similar issues in adjustment)…timesharing guns can sometimes be problematic and I don’t have my own range or know of anyone that does.

The below video highlights the culmination of properly adjusting the sights on this gun.

The gun is a Rock Island Armory Tac Ultra MS with the 9mm barrel (it came with two). I’ve never shot this gun well, accuracy-wise, and I’d thought it was due to it being bushing-barreled. I’ve another RIA MS 9mm gun and it is bull-barreled – that gun is a low-effort gun as far as accuracy is concerned. I’ve always been accurate with that gun and I always thought it was mainly due to the bull barrel.

Both of those guns lack front strap checkering, and I sometimes struggle with maintaining a proper grip on those two guns. I added a strip of Talon Grips tape on each on their front straps. I think that is why I had such a great session with the Tac Ultra.

Note that I’m shooting at 15 yards, at 2″ sticky bullseyes. I could barely see those sticky targets at that range, but tried to just aim as best I could and tried to maintain proper grip and trigger discipline. I think it worked out well!

1911 Commander holster

New Holster On The Way!

I ordered a kydex holster with a leather backer today, as I wanted to take advantage of Black Friday sales. I didn’t want one of those small kydex-only holsters (I have one for my Grand Power and it’s uncomfortable to use).

I’m specifically looking for an IWB holster that’ll fit Commander-sized 1911s. As well, I’m looking at appendix holsters (AIWB).

Personally, I want a Tenicor Velo4 but Tenicor is not participating in Black Friday sales, although they do have sales of blemished holsters, but do not currently have any for Commander-sized 1911s. I’ve also added the Tenicor Velo4 to my Elfster wish list (that’s how my family and extended family tracks gift purchases), so there’s a chance that someone will buy it for me for Christmas.

I’m also interested in Tenicor’s Certum holster (the Velo and Certum are not the same holster – the Certum has better adjustability and can be used as both IWB and AIWB, but the Velo is dedicated to appendix carry).

I’d also been looking at the Vedder LightTuck, but their sales folks aren’t helpful enough to help me commit to the purchase – I needed to know if the holster fits the Rock Island Armory Rock Ultra MS, and they said it wouldn’t but when I researched with Google, I found that there are a decent amount of folks using the LightTuck with RIA 1911s. Also, the LightTuck is maybe $5 less than but also less refined than Tenicor holsters. Due to those details and the fact that the Vedder sales folks were unhelpful, I decided to give my hard-earned money to a business other than Vedder.

While I wait to see if someone buys me the Tenicor for Christmas, I decided to buy Crossbreed’s The Reckoning holster and opted for the claw. I didn’t want to wait another 30 days, especially since I’m not sure if anyone is going to buy me the Tenicor.

I almost bought the The Reckoning holster system (which includes a mag holster side car), but was trying to keep costs down – I can always buy the side car separately. This specific holster can also be converted for strong side carry (in case I don’t like AIWB).

The holster was 25% off for Black Friday sales (was a bit over $50, excluding tax and shipping).

This will be my first time using an AIWB holster. I may find that I don’t like the holster, but it’s reported to be very comfortable. If I find that I don’t like it, I’ve the option of returning it. We’ll see.

45ACP American Classic B45R Commander Metro Arms SDS Imports

45ACP Self Defense Ammo On The Way!

I plan on carrying one of my 45ACP 1911s, although I haven’t decided which to carry yet.

I bought another Alien Gear holster and it arrived last week. This holster fits the new 5″ 1911 that I bought, the SDS 1911 Duty. I’ve never tried to carry (inside the waistband) a full-sized 1911. I tried carrying the 1911 Duty two days last week. While it is thinner than my Canik TP9 Elite SC, and carries better, but it is LONG! It is long to the point that I can’t store anything in my left right-hand rear pocket.

The Alien Gear holster is very nice and isn’t the issue. It’s just that the 5″ 1911 is longer than that I’m used to and I don’t think I’m going to be able to get used to it’s length. I’ll keep the holster anyways, just in case I decide I ever need to carry the 5″ 1911.

I’m 90% sure I think I’m going to attempt to carry my Metro Arms 1911 Commander instead. I’ve a holster shell that will fit unrailed 1911 Commanders. It is currently mounted to another Alien Gear backer and will fit the gun, but the backer is meant for smaller handguns. I’ll use it for the Commander regardless.

Before carrying either gun, I need to test SD ammo from both 1911s.

I ordered the following ammo:

  • 3 x 50-round PMC 45B Bronze 45 ACP 185 gr JHP from White Birch Armory (the same place I bought the SDS 1911)
  • 3 x 20-round boxes of Underwood 45 ACP +P 185 Grain JHP from MidwayUSA
  • 3 x 20-round boxes of Underwood 45 ACP +P 230 Grain JHP from MidwayUSA

I should be able to find acceptable ammo from the above batch, and after testing, I’ll order more for carry purposes.

I’ll keep you all updated on if there are issues with using the JHP with either 1911.

1911 1911A1 45ACP 9mm American Classic Commander Metro Arms RIA Rock Island Armory

New YouTube Video – 1911 Range Day!

I tried a new format in this video, using my GoPro hat-clip. What I didnt’ account for was the volume isn’t crisp, as the hat-clip requires usage of the GoPro case, which is apparently covering the camera’s mic. 🙁

There were issues with the Metro Arms 1911. I’ve been suspecting as much the past 1-2 years, but my handgun experience is expanding and I’m confident to say that this handgun has issues with it’s sights. I’ll be looking into obtaining a new set of sights for this handgun (I wouldn’t mind having the sights that are on my RIA Tac Ultra installed on this handgun).

Also, I finally installed the 9mm barrel into my RIA Tac Ultra (I have always shot it with the 22TCM barrel installed). I shot 140 rounds of 9mm from the gun. The gun now has a total of 746 rounds through it. It’s my third most-fired handgun (the Grand Power P11 and Bersa Thunder Plus are 1st and 2nd).

There were some fails to feed when firing the Tac Ultra, but the feed issues only occurred with the OEM mags. I’ve Wilson Combat 9mm ETM mags, which didn’t have any feed issues. I also used the 38 Super mag that came with the Tac Ultra. I also used the 9mm mag that came with my RIA Rock Ultra. The latter two mag are the mags that had inconsistent issues. The feed issues were occurring mid-mag.

Lastly, I need to research who is the new US importer for Metro Arms. Eagle Imports was the importer, but they went out of business earlier this year.

1911 American Classic Commander Metro Arms plunger spring Rock Island Armory safety lever

My 1911s Have Loose Thumb Safeties

Today, I was handling my three 1911s and noticed that two of them had safeties that were rather loose.  What do I mean by loose?  Well, a good 1911 will have a safety that will have a positive click when being manipulated.  It will also take a conscious effort to actuate.  It should not actuate (on or off) by being bumped or pushed by an object that is not a finger.  The last time I took my Metro Arms American Classic Commander (that’s a mouthful) to the range, both my wife and I noticed that after loading a mag into the firearm and trying to shoot, the safety was unintentionally enabled.

Since it was Friday evening, I got a few old rags and broke them both down on my sofa while listening to the news.  I fixed both safeties.  Once I field stripped the 1911s, I removed the safeties.  The Metro Arms had a single-handled safety lever while the Rock Island Armory had an ambi safety.  Once those were removed, I remove the plunger springs from each and stretched them out a bit, which I thought would add more tension to the safety lever on each firearm.  I put together both and then tested the safeties.  The RIA 1911 safety stiffened up drastically.  The Metro Arms 1911 had to be taken down again and stretched out a bit more, but in the end, I got the safety on that firearm pretty stiff.

I’m happy that I was able to sort this out on my own.

1911 1911A1 American Classic beveled bushings Commander grips Metro Arms VZ Walkure

Metro Arms American Classic Commander – New Grips

Man, I had issues getting the grip screws out of the bushings.  The bushings kept coming out with the screws.  They’re supposed to stay in place.  I tried various methods of getting them out but I eventually ended up really tightening the screws and then suddenly loosening them, breaking the tight seal in the process.
Also, the new grips (VZ Walkure olive green) were not plug-n-play.  They required some slight grinding on the left side, on top.  That was due to the extended slide lock and extended safety.  You can’t tell that I grinded them.  Note that I also had to the the same to the OEM grips…I had to grind the left top side to accommodate the extended safety, as well.
These grips are not as aggressive as my VZ G10s that are on my Rock Island Armory 1911s, but I do notice a definite improvement in grip.  A range session is in order!  🙂
Here are some pictures.

American Classic Commander Metro Arms MS Ultra Rock Island Armory tactical

My 1911s – Possible Upgrades

I’d not done any comparisons between my 1911s, so I decided to look at them (against each other) last week.  

I found that my Metro Arms Commander lacks a magazine well.  I also found that both of my Rock Island Armory 1911s have plastic mainspring housings.

Magazine wells and metal mainspring housings aren’t essential but they do heighten the ownership experience.  Up until I read that tactical RIAs had plastic mainspring housings, I didn’t know and it didn’t bother me.  Having a magazine well helps in inserting magazines and I hadn’t noticed the lack of the well, since I have less than 100 rounds through my American Classic…still, I did not notice that it lacked a mag well when I last shot it.

So, I’m probably going to buy a blued mag well for the American Classic and two mainspring housings for both of my tactical RIA 1911s…just for the hell of it.

45ACP 9mm American Classic Commander P320C RIA Rock Island Armory Sig

3 New Guns On The Way!

Just a quick update:

I just ordered a Sig P320C in 9mm, a Metro Arms American Classic 1911 Commander 45ACP, and a RIA 1911A1 MS Tactical II in 9mm.  The Sig and Metro Arms were ordered through Bud’s Gunshop.  The Rock Island Armory 1911 was bought from Gallery of Guns.  They should arrive by the end of the week or early next week at the latest…we’ll see.

I also revised the list again. I’ll stick with the Sig P320C…I don’t need the P320SC since I can modify the P320C to be an SC model (the P320 is modular and can be converted to any other P320 model). That’s going to save some money and is the more logical way to go.

I’m halfway to my goal and might be able to meet my goal and also lessen the list.  I’ve nixed one gun so far and also decided against the Grand Power. I’m also thinking of nixing the FNS Compact, but I might keep it on the list since I’m more than likely not going to be able to get the Canik TP9 v2 (I’ve no idea when it’s supposed to be available).

UPDATE:  The 1911 9mm arrived.  I bought model number 51698 (listed as RIA M1911A1 MS Tactical II 9mm back in 2015 but no longer being carried as a production model). As well, the Metro Arms American Classic Commander in 45ACP arrived, along with the Sig Sauer P320 Compact 9mm.