holster OWB

Another Holster From QVO Tactical is On the Way!

My last post mentioned that I’d bought the QVO Tactical 5″ “Secondary” OWB holster. Well, I selected the wrong product for 2011s…that holster is for 1911s. It will not fit 2011s, as the trigger guard area is round on that holster. As well, it will not fit wide guns (2011s are wide in the grip area, just past the trigger guard.

I can still use it for 1911s, so I didn’t return it (I’m not even sure about details around the return policy for QVO Tactical products).

So, what’s a guy to do? I bought the 2011 version:

I splurged a bit on this holster.

I added a paddle mount and also ordered a second one for the 1911 holster that I already have – these may offer quicker mounting.

I ordered a fabric overlay (canvas Koi fish). This was a $20 upcharge, but I’m OK with it, especially since I’ve seen the workmanship on the holsters – remember, I’ve two of them already.

Oh, and this one is for a 5″ 2011 – it’ll hold smaller 2011s without issue if it’s built like my IWB QVO. I believe they state on the product page that the OWB will fit longer and shorter barreled handguns without issue. That means I’ll be able to use the holster with all of my other 2011s.

This holster will not accommodate a WML (weapon-mounted light), though…that’s fine with me, for now. If I decide to use a WML for training courses, I’ll have to order a larger WML and also will have to order another holster that will accommodate the WML I decide to use.

I’m thinking I can finally take a training course in January or February 2025. We’ll see.

Bul Armory SAS II Ultralight

I Decided to Carry My SAS II Ultralight Again

I had the choice to continue to carry my Alpha Foxtrot S15 after my SAS II Ultralight was returned to me from Bul Armory after they repaired it.

Although the S15 is thinner (which helps in concealment), I actually missed carrying my Ultralight, so I decided to switch back to carrying the Ultralight. I just need to take it to the range tomorrow and re-zero the RDS.

There’s something about the Ultralight that keeps attracting me to it. It’s only a few ounces lighter than the S15 but it feels much lighter than it is. Maybe it’s the trigger (it’s GOOD). I love the looks of the gun…the lightening cuts and barrel fluting, as well as the black color with the silver accents.

Right now, the RDS is mounted onto the Ultralight. I mounted the Streamlight (TLR-7 X) to the Ultralight, too. It fits in the QVOT holster without issue. I did have to tighten the holster’s retaining screw quite a bit, as the S15’s rail is wide. I also reinstalled grip tape to the gun.

I’ll look for some SD ammo tomorrow at Cabelas or Trojan Tactical. I may settle for Federal or Hornady. I need to buy several boxes of the good stuff, shoot one box to test the ammo, and then use the other box for carry.

I saw that Bul Armory is now offering the original grip module for purchase. That module has far better grip texturing. It’s $149 on their website. I may order it, but I may add it to my Christmas list so that my wife or kids can buy it for me – if I opt to add it to my Christmas list, I’ll have to wait until after Christmas before I can install it.

I need range ammo as well…I’m almost out and I’ve been buying 500 round blocks of Winchester White Box from Cabelas. When shipping is factored into online prices, the prices are roughly equivalent to what I can buy locally from Cabelas (and I don’t do reman ammo). There are no local LGSs that sell bulk 9mm, so it’s either Cabelas or buying online. I can’t stand the $20-30 shipping of ammo, though. I know ammo is heavy, but damn…

Bul Armory holster SAS II Ultralight Weapon-Mounted Light

The Ultralight and New Holster are Here!

I’m late in reporting but my SAS II Ultralight is back from Bul Armory.

It was delivered yesterday, on a Sunday – was unexpected, as the shipping info stated it would be delivered on Monday, 9/30.

I tested the gun. It is no longer dropping the hammer without actuating the grip safety.

I’m not sure if I’m going to carry it again or wait, but I did check to see how well the gun fits the Streamlight TLR-7 X – it fits extremely well, without having to change keys (it’s still using the same key it came with out of the box).

I tried fitting the TLR-7 X on my AF1911-S15 – it fits but not fully back to the trigger guard. I’d probably need to change the key to get it further back and I’m not sure if that will adversely change the fitment with the Ultralight, so I’m going to leave the light alone and not change the key.

As well, the new holster was delivered today. As I reported earlier, I bought a 2011 holster from QVO Tactical. I tested fitment today. With the Ultralight and TLR-7 X, it fits perfectly. I did drop the holster down to it’s lowest hole settings (it’s using Double Tacware 5-hole clips) so that it sits low in my waistband.

I also test fitted the S15 to the QVO Tactical holster and TLR-7 X. The S15 is a bit taller at the muzzle than the Ultralight, so there is a bit of rubbing inside the holster. I’m able to account for most of it by loosening the retention (I’ve to do this with all the holsters I use with the S15 – it’s rail is extra beefy).

I also attached velcro to the holster so that I could use my pre-cut foam wedge from Mastermind Tactics. With the wedge, the holster being Commander-sized, and the fact that he has an aggressive wing, the S15 is very concealable. This is why I’m probably going to keep carrying the S15 for a while. No, it is not RDS capable (yet) but I shoot the gun just as well as a gun with an RDS.

Oh, and yeah, the empty space around the trigger guard is not an issue – ALL holsters that accommodate WML (weapon-mounted lights) have extra space around the trigger. That’s unavoidable.

I think I should’ve looked at custom holsters a long time ago. Tenicor is great, but being able to tune a holster to your specific needs is a powerful thing.

1911 2011 holster Weapon-Mounted Light

QVO Tactical More Discreet Holster On the Way!

Two weeks ago, I bought a Streamlight TLR-7 X since I’ve never owned a good weapon mounted light (WML). I bought it during a Labor Day sale at Midway. I wanted a light that would fit my smaller 1911s and 2011s that wouldn’t stick out 3-4″ from the guns’ muzzles. BTW, this will fit on my Tisas DS9 Carry without using any of the extra keys that the TLR-7 came with.

I don’t currently carry with a WML but want to give it a try, so that’s the main reason I bought one. That means I need a holster that accommodates a WML, so…..

I ordered a QVO Tactical AIWB holster. The particular version I ordered was their More Discreet holster for 4.25″ 2011s so that I could use it with both my small and bigger 1911s and 2011s. I asked that the holster accommodate the TLR-7 format.

The only thing I didn’t opt for was the DCC clips, as they were a $30 add-on (!!!)

I will share my experience with this holster as I use it.