My last post mentioned that I’d bought the QVO Tactical 5″ “Secondary” OWB holster. Well, I selected the wrong product for 2011s…that holster is for 1911s. It will not fit 2011s, as the trigger guard area is round on that holster. As well, it will not fit wide guns (2011s are wide in the grip area, just past the trigger guard.
I can still use it for 1911s, so I didn’t return it (I’m not even sure about details around the return policy for QVO Tactical products).
So, what’s a guy to do? I bought the 2011 version:

I splurged a bit on this holster.
I added a paddle mount and also ordered a second one for the 1911 holster that I already have – these may offer quicker mounting.
I ordered a fabric overlay (canvas Koi fish). This was a $20 upcharge, but I’m OK with it, especially since I’ve seen the workmanship on the holsters – remember, I’ve two of them already.
Oh, and this one is for a 5″ 2011 – it’ll hold smaller 2011s without issue if it’s built like my IWB QVO. I believe they state on the product page that the OWB will fit longer and shorter barreled handguns without issue. That means I’ll be able to use the holster with all of my other 2011s.
This holster will not accommodate a WML (weapon-mounted light), though…that’s fine with me, for now. If I decide to use a WML for training courses, I’ll have to order a larger WML and also will have to order another holster that will accommodate the WML I decide to use.
I’m thinking I can finally take a training course in January or February 2025. We’ll see.